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Halp!! Abscess -.-


New member
I took my bloodred to the vet a few months ago with what we thought was a cyst...he did an aspiration and nothing came out...well, yesterday it broke open as an abcsess.................I work in a vet clinic and deal with abscesses on cats and dogs but we don't see reptiles so I'm not sure what to do...my snake vet was out if the office yesterday and the other vet I called, his tech told me "it sounds like a prolapse"... No sweety, I know the difference between abscsess and prolapse....second, she told me to " just keep it clean with warm water".........:angry01::angry01:

I ended up getting as much puss and crap out as I could and flushed it with diluted Chlorhexiderm solution and switched her aspen to paper towels...I did go get some Betadine today and was going to give her a soak in that. I will be taking her to see her normal vet tomorrow *hopefully*, but is there anything else I should be doing for her?
A picture of the area could be helpful for people but I'm afraid I know nothing about this [emoji853] which area of the body is it at? make sure her temps and humidity are absolutely perfect, paper towels are good for substrate.

I hope she gets better and please keep this updated so we know what's happening. Good luck with her [emoji4]

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Thanks for the reminder, I had planned on posting a pic aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand forgot...it's located on the side of her "tail" area if that makes sense? Just a bit past her vent...this was after draining all the crap out of it :(

That looks awful, such a shame it's happened [emoji853] it looks a pretty clean wound, no puss or fluids which is a good start (as far as I'm aware). I'd be careful feeding her as too big a meal could lead to constipation or her not pooing properly/opening the wound so I'd feed slightly smaller than normal (more of a maintenance diet). Honesty, I really hope she gets better soon, seems like your doing a really good job

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Yesterday was feeding day but I noticed this before I fed her so she hadn't eaten...she's just not a happy girl, not that I blame her :( I feel bad...
If it's an abscess, there's not a lot you can do to prevent it from what I know. She should be fine on smaller than normal meals, a bit more spaced out. I wouldn't be happy either, but she should heal fine and be fine soon [emoji4]

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I treated a snake with an abscess with silva sulfadine. Flush, pack with that, repeat daily.
I'm concerned that with the hole being so big I can see her muscle underneath...I'm wondering if her vet won't have to put a drain in...
If the hole is open, though, what's to drain? Don't you work at a vet? Can't they just advise you about what they'd do if it was a cat instead of a snake?
I rescued a boa with open wounds like that and used colloidel silver. A ND (naturalist doctor) talked me into buying it 25 years ago and I thought "what a rip off at $35 an 1/2 once". I took in the boa and started treating the open wounds with it and was amazed how fast the healing process was! I don't think you can get colloidal silver over the counter anymore so the silver sulfadiazine that Nanci is recommending is the way to go. I think I would only put it on the skin and not in the hole on the muscle. The muscle looks healthy in the pic.

Good luck :)
I do work in a clinic but I've never dealt with an abscess on a snake so I am a bit paranoid, and we don't see reptiles at my clinic so I don't have access to antibiotics or any such for them. I have an appointment for her tomorrow afternoon...does the betadine bath need to be done every day or every few days?
That looks awful, such a shame it's happened [emoji853] it looks a pretty clean wound, no puss or fluids which is a good start (as far as I'm aware). I'd be careful feeding her as too big a meal could lead to constipation or her not pooing properly/opening the wound so I'd feed slightly smaller than normal (more of a maintenance diet). Honesty, I really hope she gets better soon, seems like your doing a really good job

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I do work in a clinic but I've never dealt with an abscess on a snake so I am a bit paranoid, and we don't see reptiles at my clinic so I don't have access to antibiotics or any such for them. I have an appointment for her tomorrow afternoon...does the betadine bath need to be done every day or every few days?

If your appointment is tomorrow, I think you could probably get away with waiting about the betadine bath until after you see your vet, but it is really your call. I would re-evaluate the wound before bed and again in the morning to see if there is any noticable change. I would get her to the vet ASAP reguardless...

So Kura's vet visit went well. She is really well behaved there (doesn't try to bite...little snot). We got her some antibiotics and I am to continue the betadine bath every other day or so for a few more days. He said the wound looked good considering, and that everything I did was "just fine", so I'm glad in my haste for help I didn't do anything wrong by her. She's not a fan of the injections, can anyone give me a good tip for doing this by myself?
Injections can be a challenge. I hold the snake with my non-dominant hand (left)just behind the head. Then I pin the back half of the snake between my elbow and body (right side) and inject in the first third of the snakes body.

Good luck!
Hi there. Does it matter where on the body you inject? Her vet injected her first dose closer to where the wound is located on the opposite side of the body.
Double check with your vet. I think injections are generally injected in the first 1/3 to 1/2 of the body due to the snakes circulatory system - trying to minimize potential toxic effects ( of certain antibiotics) on the kidneys.
colloidel silver can be bought at a natural food store or some grocery stores that have tinctures. Also online vitamin supplement stores.