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HAMM Pick-ups!


ACR Breeder # 787
Well, the process was long. It took about a week and a half for these guys to make the distance from Hamm to here. I gave them a bit to settle in, drink, eat and relax and finally felt comfortable taking a few pics of each.

The pictures aren't the best, I didn't want to stress them out too much and will give them a proper photo shoot some time in the future.

With a VERY big thanks to Barbara, the first two pictures are homozygous micro paves.
The second two pics are ph micro pave females.


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Next, I was luck to be able to purchase from Thorsten (thanks so much!), a pair of Toffees.

You can already see how they are different then 'normals' with the yellow hue starting to really creep in between the saddles. I'm super excited to see how these guys change as they grow!


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And, again with a HUGE thanks to Benni, I was able to obtain one of my most favorite morphs, which is the first photo: Mandarin.
Ever since I've seen the first mandarin I've been in love with them.
This guy is ph sunkissed as well! I've named him Kingsley.

Also, from Benni is a gorgeous Kastanie Mot. I love how that copper coloration stands out on the neck area of this morph.


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And last, but certainly not least, thanks to Benni I also got this gorgeous hypo butter pair het sunkissed, bloodred.
I can't wait to see how these guys change as they grow.


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Those are all awesome! I am most curious to see how the hypo butters progress. Oh and the Mandarin. :)
WOW Beautiful babies, Congrats! I can't believe how big those micro paves have already gotten. Are those last years models?
Awesome additions, Tara!
Those micro paves are incredible in person! (I got to hold one of them). They are so soft!
It's so exciting that you got to bring these kids into the states!
Great to see their pics now, it's a bit weird that my micro paves are actually in the USA and people talk about them as something special, I also feel proud though I did not do anything to make them actually, lol. By the way, the upper left is a yearling, all others are '11. They are both quite regular sized to Dutch standards actually, the pics don't show the size at all I think though. They eat larger pinks now I think.

Love the Kastanie motley!!!!
Wow- what a shopping spree!! I'm so happy to see micro paves in the US. I so happy it was genetic!! Mandarin....I just love them!!They are all gorgeous, and look great after their long journey!
Thanks for the comments everyone!
And Thanks Barbara! I feel so bad for them with the treck they had to make, so I'm really trying to give them some well deserved down time.
Thank you for the opportunity to bring them into the US! I love how soft they feel too. You've produced and cared for some amazing and gorgeous animals!
Guys you make me blush :p I'm glad you love them in real life too Tara! I think they have forgotten about their journey aleady... I told them to be tough and show what Dutch snakes are made off! I'm excited to see what morphs you are going to micro pave in the next few years!

Your T's are awesome too! I'm just getting used to owning them :)