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Has this ever happened to anyone?


Just need 1 more corn fix
I just want to get this off my chest. I feel horrible and I want to know if I,m the only one this has happened to. About a month and ahalf ago I accidentally killed my snake. He was a 4 month old snow. :awcrap: I'm going to wait for some replies and if you guys want to hear the srory I'll give you the details.
i accidentally squished one of my hatchlings head once...and holy jeebus did i EVER feel terrible! right as i was sliding his tub back into the rack, he did the whole SURGE FORWARD that only hatchlings do, and got his little head smooshed. he has turned out to be fine though, so that's a relief.

what happened to your corn?
Chris, I am sure you're not the only one. I think I accidently killed Imhotep about 10 years ago. He was a hatchling corn snake, and I didn't know that UTHs got too hot. He was given to me, with vivarium, UTH, etc, by someone who owned other snakes so I ~assumed~ the instructions that person gave me were correct. Mind you, Imhotep lived for several months & gobbled down pinkies, seemed active, was growing, shedding, pooping. Fed him. Next day he was fine, in his hide digesting, temp was probably OK in that hide (I didn't know about putting a thermometer on the glass but he was on the cool side & it was summer & apartment temps were about 75F & he was not in sunlight so unlikely to be higher), next day, gone, curled up in his hide.
How did it happen?
No, it hasn't happened yet. But once i begin breeding (next June/July, with any hope) I bet it may accidentally happen once. And if they won't eat, or are deformed, yes they are not cut out for life. I'll feel bad, and you better bet I'll shed a tear or two, but if it's humane that's what I aim for.
Sorry, off - topic, grrr

But anyway, how did this happen? If you accidentally raised the heat too high, and it cooked, that's understandable. but if you accidentally did this: :flames: I'm gonna have to wonder...
I feel stupid admitting that I lost a few babies earlier this year because we'd had a warm spell and the snake room had gotten warmer than I realised, causing water bowls to evaporate quicker, and apparently I hadn't checked everyone as thoroughly as I should have. I still feel like a moron for not being on top of it. Those poor babies. This is the first time I've told anyone because I feel so stupid and careless.
Ok here it is

One night I was in my snake room/ game room/ office( ya I know thats alotta slashes) and I had my snow out while I was sitting in my recliner and the snake had slithered down the seam in the back like he had many times before. The chair is/was one with the handle on the side that you pull or push to recline. For some reason when I got up the foot rest swung down and the snakes head just happened to be where the hinge was and it smashed it.:( The reason I put was above about the chair is because I was so mad that I kinda broke the chair a little:smash: and had to throw it out. Thats ok though because I went and bought a leather one with a button on the side so it never happens again. Plus its alot easier to clean snake poo off of it.:puke01:So there it is. Hopefully I never have to worry about anything like that happening again.
Chris, that sounds like the kind of horrible fluke accident that could have happened to anyone. I am so sorry!
Well Chris I am sorry for your loss and I know how you feel, I do not know 100% for sure but I believe I cooked one of my snakes to death while actually trying to help it with a bad shed.

As well when I first got into snake keeping I did not know about this wonderful site and listened to the idiot at the pet store and co-habbed my first two corns. Turned out one was gravely ill and died in 15 days, but it was long enough to make the other one sick and after approx. 2-3 months of vet trips he died too.

So yeah, it is a horrible feeling but it happens and the way to make it a positive and not a negative is to acknowledge it and learn from it so that it can be prevented in the future, which it sounds like you have already started to take steps toward.
Accidents happen unfortunately, and it can be hard to accept especially when you hurt something you cared about. Sadly nobody is perfect though, and these things happen. I'm sorry for your loss :(
Chris, I am so sorry to hear about your snake. I know it is hard not to feel guilty, but it really does sound like a flukey, one-in-a-million accident.

Well, since everyone else has been so open and honest, I will tell you what happened earlier this year. I have 2 snakes that refuse to eat in their tanks, so I put them in plastic shoe boxes to feed and put the box on a shelf that is covered by fabric (they like it in the dark, too). It was evening and my anery hurricane mot hadn't eaten yet by bedtime so I left him in overnight so he would eat. Well, with getting ready for work and everything, I forgot he was in there! He was left in the bin with no water for 3 days before I realized what I had done. I felt horrible and so ashamed for being so irresponsible, I didn't want to admit what I had done to anyone. Luckily he is ok. I wasn't sure the first day after I found him, he seemed so lethargic. But he drank and slowly recovered. He is fine now, but I am totally paranoid now, every time I put him in the bin to feed!

Again, sorry to hear what happened.
My Grandmother had a turtle she kept on top of the stove. Everytime her mom would try to cook they would remove it. One day she forgot and cooked the turtle alive! :nope: See, accidents happen. Just don't let your snake anywhere near chairs that use electricity lol!
My Grandmother had a turtle she kept on top of the stove. Everytime her mom would try to cook they would remove it. One day she forgot and cooked the turtle alive! :nope: See, accidents happen. Just don't let your snake anywhere near chairs that use electricity lol!

Yikes, that is terrible . . . but that is a really odd place to keep a turtle!
I accidentally killed my hatchling, I'm pretty sure. He came to us sick already, and I was treating him for mites and forgot a crucial detail. A day went by, and he deteriorated rapidly. His skin folded up, and he was very lethargic. I gave him some more water, and thought he was just getting ready to shed. The next evening he was dead. I carefully looked over the directions one more time, and noticed I'd goofed pretty bad. I wanted to hit myself so bad, and I felt like a failure. I'm terrified of mites, now, because I'm scared I'll mess up again =/
I accidentally killed my first snake by bringing another animal in and not following quarantine. Within a week, both of them were gone. :(