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Hatching not eating... almost 1 month..


New member
So I'm a little nervous. Delilah, a snow corn, has not eaten since she was born. She's the "runt" of the hatchlings. She ate once and regurgitated. :puke01: We waited a week and tried just a pinky head. She refused so a few days later we tried the rest of the pinky (the body). We left it over night and still nothing. She is my favorite because she has yet to try and bite me. She warms right up when handling and I really enjoy her. I don't know what to do. :crying: I'm new at this whole hatchling thing. Our other one has no problem eating. We got two from our best friend. She knows more but is gone for the week. (only living 20-30 minutes away) Usually she wouldn't let Delilah leave since she hasn't eaten twice, but I convinced her to let me give it a shot. She was either going to die at her house or at mine. :cry: Any suggestions?

try tease feeding... it is mentioned in Kathy Loves book

You want to gently restrain the snak in one hand while offering a pinkie (maybe a head in your case) with your other hand. You want the snake to forget your holding it and concentrate on the pinkie. then youll hold the pinkie inches away from the snakes snout. youll bump the pinkie against the snakes body NOT the head of the snake, the snake should grab the pinkie. When this happens stay very still. dont move because youll scare the snake. this is when the snake will decide if he swallows or not... so DONT MOVE. youll watch the snake wiggle the pinkie down its boddy and that is when you gently lay the snake back into its viv...

pg 75 in Kathys new book has pictures...
Assuming you're feeding F/T (frozen & thawed) ...

What temp are you getting the pinkie up to first ?

I try and feed all my hatchling at room temp pinks because it's easiest. If they won't take at room temp, first thing to try is warming the pinkie in hot water. 30 seconds or so in hot water is usually enough, just to warm it through. Then put it back in with the snake, in a small tub with nothing else in it, then cover the tub with a towel so it feels secure. Leave in total peace and quiet and come back in hour.

There are plenty other things to try, but that is always my first step for a reluctant feeder. Worked with all my hatchlings this year ...
You can try scenting with anole too. She sounds like a snake that just isn't thriving. The fact that she ate and regurged is never good. You might also have to resort to force-feeding if she gets too weak. Some just don't make it for one reason or another.
Well if she's only a month old she's not going to die anytime soon. They can live for several months with out eathing, even right after the egg.

Here's what I do for my stubborn eaters: If you're using f/t mice I would try using a live pinky. Put the snake and the live pinky in a deli cup and put them somewhere where it's dark and she won't be disturbed over night. Do not even check on her until the morning. Some just don't like f/t right away, but later they can be converted. Also, you can try dipping a f/t in some tuna juice from a can of tuna. Dip the mouse and then put the mouse and the snake alone overnight as mentioned before.
wow tuna juice is not one I have heard before. What is the success rate with this method? Does anyone else do this?
jzal8 said:
wow tuna juice is not one I have heard before. What is the success rate with this method? Does anyone else do this?

I don't remember where I first heard of it, I think it might have been at kingsnakes.com. But last year I had about 8 that refused f/t or live; so I tried scenting a f/t pinky with tuna juice and 7 of 8 gobbled it right up. It's worked for me last year, and I'll use it again with my stubborn eaters this year. All the snakes have grown up healthy so I don't think it's bad for them.
Blue apple, what type of canned tuna did you use? In oil, brine or spring water? I have a sstubborn little girl who took her first meal and has refused everything since and she's over 2 months old now. I'd rather try tuna over live if I can.