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Hatchling weight?


New member
What is a nice Hatchling weight? My babies took 81-83 days to pip. I still have 2 babies in their egg on day 84. I weighed the first one & he was 7g, the others were only 6g. I read some post where the babies weighed 9g. Should I be really concerned? The truth is..I am! They look so micromini! I'm not sure how they will eat a pink. The pink looks SO big! :nope:
I have had some small ones myself... I buy frozen pinkies and for the little guys I break them in half and then let them thaw and feed them halfs... That usually works for me.
Thank you that makes me feel lots better. So do I put them in a seperate container & then just put a head in, or do I act like its alive..like wiggle the head around for them to strike it? I know I'm making it harder than it seems. I really thought they would be bigger. They incubated a long time. I only have 6. :)
I would separate them and give them a chance to eat on their own first. Then you can try all of the other options. Last being force feeding. Sometimes i even have to brain the heads to trigger them to eat.(you know... push some brains out...) :smash::eek:
You mean have meat hanging out of the neck for the smell? I think I've got it. They are just 3 days old. So after they shed I feed them. How long will it take them to shed?
Well I just weighed another 5g!!!!!! WHAT! 83 days in egg...why so small? Will he survive? He's SuperPuperTiny! Adorable as can be! The other one is 7g.
Mine normally shed at a week or two old. I would try feeding them right after that. Some times they can be picky eaters in the beginning... I normally don't let them go a month with out eating. At that point and after trying EVERYTHING, I force feed them. They have some pretty helpful tools out there that make it that much easier. The 5g guy? I wouldn't worry about him. As long as you can get some food in him he will be fine.
Was the mother small? I do notice that my smaller mothers lay smaller eggs and have smaller babies. Might just be my me but it seems like that anyway.... Then again, I never weigh the babies either...

One thing that will shock you also if this is your first clutch. Not sure if it is or not but they actually grow a nice amount from the time they hatch until their first feeding. I'm sure you will see that since you are weighing them :)
Was the mother small? I do notice that my smaller mothers lay smaller eggs and have smaller babies. Might just be my me but it seems like that anyway.... Then again, I never weigh the babies either...

One thing that will shock you also if this is your first clutch. Not sure if it is or not but they actually grow a nice amount from the time they hatch until their first feeding. I'm sure you will see that since you are weighing them :)

This was from a small female & a small male. I had housed 2 snakes I thought were females. I had just separated them & a mth later I found eggs in her wethide. Lesson learned the hard way. :uhoh:
Yes this is my first clutch.
Have you got access to "red" pinks, also known as 1 day old pinks, they are very small, like 1g? In my Lavender clutch the heaviest hatchling at hatch time weighed just 6g the others were 5g and 4g and they've all taken the tiny red pinks no problem. I think they would have struggled with the regular pinks of 2-3g and if I hadn't gotten the tiny ones I would have offered head and shoulders for a few meals, then offered the butt end for the next few until they were big enough to take the regulars whole :)

Oh and my average time for shedding after hatching is about 6-7 days out of egg

Hope that makes sense, I'm suffering with a heavy cold at the moment and typing is making my eyes water, lol :)
Have you got access to "red" pinks, also known as 1 day old pinks, they are very small, like 1g? In my Lavender clutch the heaviest hatchling at hatch time weighed just 6g the others were 5g and 4g and they've all taken the tiny red pinks no problem. I think they would have struggled with the regular pinks of 2-3g and if I hadn't gotten the tiny ones I would have offered head and shoulders for a few meals, then offered the butt end for the next few until they were big enough to take the regulars whole :)

Oh and my average time for shedding after hatching is about 6-7 days out of egg

Hope that makes sense, I'm suffering with a heavy cold at the moment and typing is making my eyes water, lol :)

I hope you feel better soon! You made a lot of sense...lol I can order 1day old from RodentPro. *i think* I am headed down to our local feed store & will ask there as well. Its nice to know I have time to look for them.
I hope you feel better soon! You made a lot of sense...lol I can order 1day old from RodentPro. *i think* I am headed down to our local feed store & will ask there as well. Its nice to know I have time to look for them.

Thank you and you're welcome! Good luck and keep us posted! :)
The snake I got from a pet shop was around 2 months old (was how long she was there before I finally bought her). After two weeks with me I finally weighed her and she was only 9g. One month later she is now 15g. So I think your tiny babies will grow just fine.
I have never weighed a snake in my life so I haven't a clue what a small hatchling weighs, but small corns like yours will probably do fine as long as they eat. I used to get miniatures from a female that used to average about 36 eggs every year and they were about the size of marbles. They could still eat day old pinkies without too much problem after they had their first shed. It's amazing what they can eat at that age. I just leave a pinkie in the snake's container in the evening and let him find it during the night. I keep hatchlings on paper towels so there is no need to feed them in a separate container. It's a lot less stressful that way! If they don't eat the easy way, then you have several other methods to try that have been suggested. Make sure that they have water available at all times. They dehydrate very fast at that age.
Was the mother small? I do notice that my smaller mothers lay smaller eggs and have smaller babies. Might just be my me but it seems like that anyway.... Then again, I never weigh the babies either...

One thing that will shock you also if this is your first clutch. Not sure if it is or not but they actually grow a nice amount from the time they hatch until their first feeding. I'm sure you will see that since you are weighing them :)

Well, since they are not eating in that specific period, I would not expect them to gain weight (nothing added - no weight gain). They might grow from the egg yolk, but that was already inside of them, adding to the weight of the baby. Only water might add to the weight, not sure if that would be a noticeable amount.
Yes. That is right. Most of my babies grow a nice amount just from the sac(as you said. Just as I implied)... So they might not grow in weight as much as sight. More of a peice of mind... As I said before, I don't weigh my babies. I am just saying that she has nothing to worry about if she follows the right steps... Right?