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Hatelings and being a sissy!!


New member
Okay... so I admit it... I'm a sissy...

Of my seven new babies five are wonderful little darlings. THe other two however are tail rattling, hissing striking nighmares lol... Aaron is pretty little so he's not so bad, Artemis is a little bigger so makes me stop a little bit... but I have a confession, I'm scared to get bitten! LOL I know it's not supposed to hurt, and I'm sure it won't, but at the same time I think I'm more scared that I'm going to flinch and hurt the little darlings more than they're gonna hurt me.

So on that note, is it okay to wear latex gloves? Like, it won't hurt them if they bite the latex? won't catch their teeth or anything? Like I said it's more to give me some "peace of mind" and keep me from flinching more than actually protecting me from the bite.

I know the best way to deal with hatelings is to just ignore the behaviour and handle them anyway I just don't wanna hurt them lol.
How reliable are they with feeding? Most latex gloves I've known have a very noticeable smell. If they are iffy feeders, that could be odd enough to put them off.

Instead of latex gloves, I'd get some cotton gloves. Not winter gloves, but simple white cotton gloves to slip over the hand. More comfortable for you and the snake most likely.

Or maybe try presenting the back of your hand. The back of the hand is too broad for a hatchling to bite. They would just bump you with their nose. Once your hand is nestled against the snake, rotate your hand and pick them up. If you don't back off when you do that, the snake won't have room to strike.

Best of luck with your little hateling! :D
hey back of the hand is a good idea... Didn't think of that one but I think I'll try that. I really HATE wearing gloves cause I feel clumsy and they're so delicate, that's why I was thinking latex cause they aren't thick enough to interfere with my sense of touch. But I think I'll try the back of the hand first :)

Have you gotten bitten yet??? Just get it over with!! I hatched out some _killer_ babies this year- virtually all hatelings. So after two weeks of weigh-ins, being cupped to feed, and maybe a minor handling or two, hardly anyone even attempts to bite any more.
lol Ive been bitten over 20 times by my little baby, shes feisty. I felt none, just heard her hiss and felt the impact as her nose hit my hand. (yes im a sissy too, but close your eyes and go for it!) I think the worst bite I got was from a friends BP, I was holding her as I was watching tv, and she pressed her nose againt my finger, I gave a startled gasp and looked down, she had my finger cross ways in her mouth and the only thing I did was go" oh, she bit me" it didnt really hurt, but I did bleed. she let go just as gently as she bit me. my baby corn dosent make me bleed, though she does act tough.
Being bitten by babies was described by someone as "being attacked by angry Velcro" so don't worry about it! Now, when Benchley bites (adult cali king) I notice, but babies, no. For babies, the Velcro comparison is quite apt.
Being bitten by babies was described by someone as "being attacked by angry Velcro" so don't worry about it! Now, when Benchley bites (adult cali king) I notice, but babies, no. For babies, the Velcro comparison is quite apt.

Heh. Cute. :)

I didn't even notice the first few times Isis struck me. I thought she had bumped my hand in trying to get away. Fourth or fifth time I figured out the wild lunge was a strike. She hasn't tried in over a month though. I almost miss it.
Like the others said, just pick it up and let it bite you. You'll see it doesn't hurt, will be prepared for it, and will get over the fear (at least with the little ones!)

Angry velcro is about right.
I did NOT coin the phrase "angry Velcro" & I am sorry I can't recall who did. But it sure is appropriately descriptive and funny as anything!
I found a quote somewhere worded a little different: it's like being savaged by enthusiastic velcro. Never been bitten by my baby corn, but I did get bitten twice by a WC hatchling milk snake. On the back of the hand too. Poor buddy seemed a little embarrassed he couldn't swallow me.

Here's a pic of the little guy:
So far my garters have been the ones I've been bitten by most. Two are wild caught, one I ordered over the internet. My Florida blue, the one I paid money for, does her best horseshoe impression every time I crack the top of her tub. She runs to a corner and puffs and blow and scrapes her scales. ( But she's the size of a thread! ) I took her dare and picked her up and she tried to bite me about 5 times! It was like being bumped by a piece of yarn! Didn't hurt at all. After she found out I wasn't scared, she kinda went limp. Bogo my small wild caught, is growing like a weed and has yet to bite me but she is VERY FAST! Now the wild male garter my hubby brought me, may end up getting released back into the wild. ( At least I have that option with a garter! ) He likes the food but he has NEVER calmed down to handling. He HATES his pic being taken. ( Exhibit A ) And after that photo shoot yes he nailed me! But good! He latched onto my middle finger to the point I had to run his head under a gentle cold tap to get him to let go! Yes, he drew blood and yes it hurt a little. It hurt about as much as, well, anybody out there work in the medical profession??? Okay you work around needles right? Ever ACCIDENTALLY stick yourself with a needle? Yeah. That hurts more! Acupuncture needles hurt more. But then he's just a 16 inch snake!



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Reading these stories are really helping to ease my anxiety. I have had my baby corn for about two and a half weeks now, and it is only these last few days, he has really gotten aggressive and striked (with out biting). Since then I have had anxiety of putting my hand back in the tank to try and grab and handle him, but if it really, truely doesnt hurt, then maybe it wont be so bad. I am going to make an attempt when I get home from work this evening to handle him again, and make him deal with it so he sees there is nothing to be afraid of and to get over my anxiety of being bit.
My baby amel corn Wishbone was aggressive with me one time. And that is so out of character for her. ( Maybe I woke her up and she was having a nightmare???? ) Anyhoo, I didn't let her stance put me off. But instead of reaching out over her to pick her up, like a predator would have done, I sifted my fingers through her bedding and came up under her. When the "earth" turned into my hand, her demeanor changed. She calmed down and did a lot of tongue flicking. I held her calmly like that for a few moments and then put her back. I haven't had a problem since.

Maybe if you try the under approach instead of the over head one, it might be less threatening to her.
