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He is supposed not to like snakes but he keeps on peeking at them!


Buzz-Buzz Ziggety-Zag
Yes, I caught him with my camera! My husband says he doesn't like snakes but if the door is open (which is pretty much of the time when I am home) he will peek and he even has given them names: Freya is "Snake No 1" and Elrond is "Snake No2"... lol
Oh, and Bugzy (the mama cat) really likes to supervise things from the top of Elrond's viv as well as staring at Freya when she moves which was also caught on camera ;)
Anyway, here are the proofs....


  • Simon peeking at Elrond.JPG
    Simon peeking at Elrond.JPG
    39.9 KB · Views: 62
  • Simon peeking at Freya.JPG
    Simon peeking at Freya.JPG
    36.4 KB · Views: 62
  • Bugzy on Elrond's tank.JPG
    Bugzy on Elrond's tank.JPG
    30 KB · Views: 62
  • Bugzy staring at Freya from Elrond's tank.JPG
    Bugzy staring at Freya from Elrond's tank.JPG
    24 KB · Views: 62
Hahaha! That's cute :)
Even if you don't like snakes (that's a generalised 'you'), there is something captivating about them. You just can't help going up for a look.
Yes, I found it cute too as well as the snakes and cats... oh, and hubby is kind of cute too in his human way... :crazy02:
I had a friend over on Saturday and he let Elrond go on his arm and shoulder even though he was scared (the friend that is), he was shaking like a leaf but he found Elrond quite nice ;)