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Heating/Feeding question


New member
I just got seven new snakes, which are in 15L sterilites. Problem? My flexwatt didn't arrive before the snakes did.... DOH.

It's HOT here right now... I've got two thermometers in the new tubs. Last night they were as low as 72, right now they're sitting at 80... I'm thinking these babies should get fed, they haven't eaten since the 6th (long trip to get here and get settled) but I don't want it to be too cool for them?

Opinions? Should I go ahead and feed them? or should I wait till the flexwatt gets here? ANy other suggestions?

Tomorrow I'm gonna have to track down where my flexwatt is... it was shipped like three weeks ago *sighs*
If you can keep the temperatures within the range you mention, I see no problem with feeding them. Also there is no problem waiting a couple more weeks until you have the heat under control.
I just worry cause some of these are little babies, two are around six weeks old so I'm worried about leaving them for too long
I would wait for 5 days until you try to feed. Or at least until you have the heat situation under control. I have heard that digestion issues can occur with temps that are too low or too high. Just my opinion and I only have 2 snakes so I am not an expert but I do a lot of reading up on here.