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Heating Pad Question


New member
I've had my albino corn snake for about a week and half now and I've been researching proper care. A lot of people tell me I need a heating pad, not a heat lamp, because they need belly heat to properly digest their food. My question is, what exactly are heating pads? Do they go inside the tank or underneath it? I know you're not supposed to use heat rocks because they can burn themselves, but I'm not sure if the heating pads go inside the tank or not for that same reason.
Look for something called an under tank heater, made by ZooMed or ExoTerra. Some people say the ET Rainforest doesn't get quite hot enough. The heat produced by ZooMed and ET Desert is comparable. You also need a thermostat to keep it from getting to 125F and burning your snake.

It attaches on the outside of the tank, underneath it.