Starving or greedy. Some snakes will look for more, but it doesn't mean it's best to give them more. If the meal is 1.5 times the size of the thickest part of their body, stick with 1. And if you have to feed more, it's best to feed 1 fuzzy and not 2 pinkies (if the pinks are small though you might have to wait until it reaches 3 pinks before offering 1 fuzzy). The larger mice have a higher nutritional value, and pinks also seem to be higher in either fats or fiber (not sure how it works) and they make your snake poop a lot more. Fuzzies = higher nutritional value, and less pooping. HOORAY FOR LESS POOPING (I had a very poopy snake LOL).
Her appetite is a very good thing though! Glad to hear that for sure!