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Hello! Advice needed!


New member
Hello everyone! My corn snake is 3 years old although i have only recently bought him. The fact that I got him as an adult means i am having some behavioural problems with him! He is very nervous and manic. I also have a python so maybe he just seems so manic compared to my very docile python! What i really want to know is whether it is normal for corn snakes to make a squeaking noise?? He does this when i pick him up and seems to be very nervous. He also rattles his tail which i have heard is normal but does the fact he does both these things mean he is very disturbed?? Its very difficult to fathom snakes emotions!! I'll be glad of some advice!
how long before you got your corn did you start to handle him? He might be used to different ways with his previous owner, try to let him chill out for a while getting used to his new surroundings, how much do you know about his past? Give him at least a week or two to settle in and if the squeaking still occurs maybe talk to a veterinarian.
another idea might be to scroll through the behaviour forum on this site and if you dont find anything start a new thread there the people on this site are very knowledgeable and equally helpful.
I agree with the above, might be a little stress. So ease off the handling but the "squeaking noise" could be either an RI issue or shed issue. :shrugs: Do you know the shed cycle of the snake. What are the temperatures and humidity level reading?
I'm also wondering if your "squeaking" noise is the same as my "hissing/spitting" noise. Several of my more tempermental young ones will make sort of a hissing sound when I touch them (as well as tail rattle). In other words, what you might hear and refer to as a "squeak" may be what I consider more of a hiss. :shrugs:

I can't rule out other health problems. I'm just trying to put this idea out there as a possibility.
Thanks for the advice everyone! I expect its nothing to worry about as he seems very healthy apart from the nervousness. He is shedding normally and eating. Maybe he just needs time to get used to me. I'll seek further advice on the behaviour forum as suggested.