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Hello everybody from Romania


New member
Hello !
I'm Michael from Romenia (easthern Europe) .
I try to become a breeder and searching the net , I found this very good site (thanks God for this ) . At my job I work with the giants (pythons ) , but my true love are cornsnakes . I have at home 3 corn . One amelanistyc male , one standard female and one emory female . For the moment they are smaller .
I'd like to appologise my english , but it's not my natural language .
Best regards .
Bine ati venit!! Am locuit in Constanta cand am fost in liceul pentru un ani cu programul Rotary schimb de experienta!! Ma bucur sa vad cineva din Romania aici!!!

Translation so I don't leave people out: Welcome! I was in Constanta for one year with a Rotary exchange program in high school. It's nice to see someone from Romania on here!!
Hi Michael! When I saw that you were from Romania I just had to post! I've always wanted to visit there!!

I'm sure you will find everything you need here!

Welcome to the forum!
Hello Michael, welcome.
Nice that you can work with animals for a job. Where do you work?
Thank's all !
@Alan , I work in the circus where I'm a trainer adn the keeper (in the same time) for 3 big burmese pythons .
Thank's all !
@Alan , I work in the circus where I'm a trainer adn the keeper (in the same time) for 3 big burmese pythons .

Now I'm really interested. What do the pythons do in the show? How are they trained? Did you run away and join the circus?
Welcome to the forum!:wavey:

I'd like to see pictures of your animals. Sounds like you have a cool job.
Well !
For the moment I have only two pictures available . One with me and the python girl and one with the little cornsnake girl



Soon I will made more photos and I will show you .

The pythons are trained to attack me but to not bite me and than we kiss . In the act with them , I walk on broken glass , touch the fire and spell the fire . It's a great act for the spectators .
Sorry again for my english language but I hope you understand what I wanna say .
Best regards .
Thanks !
I work on their natural instinct :) . Natural defense for my "aggresive attak" . Until now , thei never bite me , but I do this on my risk .
I work on their natural instinct :) . Natural defense for my "aggresive attak" . Until now , thei never bite me , but I do this on my risk .

I understand what your saying. I had visions of you with mice in stuffed in your pockets or dangling large rats :D