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Hello Everyone!


Hello everyone,
I just got my first snake earlier this week. I bought a 5 month old female Okeetee Corn. I really enjoy handling her and cant wait to learn more about snakes. As I am brand new to the snake world I had a few questions because I want a healthy snake. How hot should the tank be? I have an under-pad heater on the bottom of one side of the tank and I have it on in the day. At night I have a red heat lamp on. Is it important to monitor how much light she is getting? I have only fed her once so far, I fed her a fuzzy on Wednesday. When is the next suitable time to feed her? I heard once a week for now is OK.
Thanks for helping a newbie out.
Alex Burrows, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
The thing about heat light is it drys out the tank witch is not good. the UTH is should be but on the bottom so they can get belly heat is what they need. Welcome!!!! once a week is good.
why du you have a heat lamp at night?????? normal room temperature is ok for a cornsnake at night!
Hi there and welcome to the forum. It's better not to handle knew snakes for a few weeks when you bring them home, especially if it's a baby. I feed all my snakes once a week. That gives them time to digest and poop before I hold them. Since your new I highly recommend Kathy and Billy Love's book A Comprehensive Owners Guide to Corns


it's an excellent resource to have on hand since it is packed with info and pics.