Hello everyone,
I just got my first snake earlier this week. I bought a 5 month old female Okeetee Corn. I really enjoy handling her and cant wait to learn more about snakes. As I am brand new to the snake world I had a few questions because I want a healthy snake. How hot should the tank be? I have an under-pad heater on the bottom of one side of the tank and I have it on in the day. At night I have a red heat lamp on. Is it important to monitor how much light she is getting? I have only fed her once so far, I fed her a fuzzy on Wednesday. When is the next suitable time to feed her? I heard once a week for now is OK.
Thanks for helping a newbie out.
Alex Burrows, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
I just got my first snake earlier this week. I bought a 5 month old female Okeetee Corn. I really enjoy handling her and cant wait to learn more about snakes. As I am brand new to the snake world I had a few questions because I want a healthy snake. How hot should the tank be? I have an under-pad heater on the bottom of one side of the tank and I have it on in the day. At night I have a red heat lamp on. Is it important to monitor how much light she is getting? I have only fed her once so far, I fed her a fuzzy on Wednesday. When is the next suitable time to feed her? I heard once a week for now is OK.
Thanks for helping a newbie out.
Alex Burrows, Toronto, Ontario, Canada