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Hello From Me And My Snake


New member
Hi all my name is Jamie and I am new to the whole snake world but i got to say i am loving it.

My little brother who i don't live with brought an Amel cornsnake say a few months ago and i just thought he was so cool so i went down the pet shop 2 days ago to have a look to see if they had any in.When i got their i asked if he had any of the small hatchling Amel's which were £50 when my brother got one but he never so i noticed a Miami Cornsnake which was a little big bigger than a hatchling for £55.I spoke to the man in charge and he said that was a mistake and i could clearly see why as the Amel's that were similar size were £85 well anyway cut a long story short he said as the Miami Cornsnake's marked up as that if i leave a £10 deposit i can have it for that.

So anyway i went back yesterday and picked up my Miami Cornsake and i am so excited.When i brought him home and put him in his home i expected him to hide but he was checking everywhere out and stayed out exploring for a good few hours.

I have been reading these forums for a few days since i found them and they seem great,really good for information and people seem lovely and helpful to so you will be seeing load's of me on here learning and contributing once i know what i am talking about ofcourse all the time.

Here's a few pic's sorry they are rubbish but i only had a mobile phone camera.

My Miami Cornsnake:)


His Heat Mat


His Home


Sorry to have made such a long post all but i just so excited and i have a few quick questions and then i promise after these i will read the forums for my answers.

1.As you can see from the pictures above my heatmat covers about a third of the bottom of my Miami Cornsnakes home is this enough.

And lastly i don't have anything to monitor the temp as the petshop man didn't tell me i needed it and i only just started reading it on here about how important temperature is.So should i buy something to control and monitor the temperature?

Once again thanks all for reading my post and i am really glad i have found this place and i am so glad i have started my addiction to Snakes:)
Hi Jamie

I am new to this too - don't have my snake yet.. I think you really do need temp control! I was told by a guy that it's not neccessary as well, but i'm going to ignore his advice since so many folk on here that clearly know what they're talking about keep re-iterating the importance of that. Not worth the risk of an accident imo.

Are you sticking your heat mat down or just placing it on the surface and putting the tank on top? I'm getting a tank very similar to yours actually.

Good luck! I can't wait to get my snake, it will be about a month yet as they are only hatchlings so i'm just on here to learn much as I can in the mean time.

£50 seems very excessive btw for a hatchling, I'm getting mine from a breeder just up the road from me and he charges £27 for hatchlings!!
Like you the person selling me my corn snake and tank as they came as a package failed to mention the need of a thermostat!. But yeah its a must i'm afraid, you seem to have the same heat mat as me and i tell you it will heat the bottom of you enclosure up to near 40 degrees in a couple of hours makeing things extremly uncomfortable for your corn. Best things to do is what i'v done, disconect it and get a thermostat as soon as possible then put it on again. Unless its cold were u are in england then i guess you could put a buffer of newpaper or something to reduce the temperature? not sure if that will work? I was lucky that it quite warm were i live in england so she did ok for the two days it took me to get my thermostat.
crazyewok said:
Like you the person selling me my corn snake and tank as they came as a package failed to mention the need of a thermostat!. But yeah its a must i'm afraid, you seem to have the same heat mat as me and i tell you it will heat the bottom of you enclosure up to near 40 degrees in a couple of hours makeing things extremly uncomfortable for your corn. Best things to do is what i'v done, disconect it and get a thermostat as soon as possible then put it on again. Unless its cold were u are in england then i guess you could put a buffer of newpaper or something to reduce the temperature? not sure if that will work? I was lucky that it quite warm were i live in england so she did ok for the two days it took me to get my thermostat.

woooo your not from the IoW are you... (an unlikely co-incidence I imagine!)
Hey Jamie!

Welcome!!! Corn snakes are the best aren't they? I have two at the moment. I have an Okeetee Phase and a Silver motley. I really like Miami's too though! I know you are going to be very happy with yours!!

But getting another three next breeding season (if not 5 or 6..) :santa:

Here we put heat under half the cage...I am not sure about how it works overseas...lol Just make sure your little guy has a hidey-hole (like a cave or something) in both the warm and cooler part of your cage, you don't want him getting all hot because is too shy to lie out in the open (and vice versa!! lol)
Islandzoo said:
woooo your not from the IoW are you... (an unlikely co-incidence I imagine!)

Nope kent. Though iv been to the IoW a number of times on holiday normaly staying on the south of the island, lovely place.
Jamie, welcome to the forums! And to the start of an addiction ;)

The heat mat should cover around 1/3 of the bottom of your tank, so you are good there. As for heat regulation, its pretty much a must. Even though some of the heat pads say that they self regulate at a certain temp, its usually too high for corns anyway. Some heat pads can get up to 110F or more. A rheostat is a cheap option, but it fluctuates with air temperature so you have to keep adjusting it (I had to anyway). Or, for more piece of mind and more money, you can get a thermostat. You set the temp you want it to be at and dont have to worry about it anymore! I found that this option was the best for me as I am regulating several tanks.

Hope this helped, and good luck with the new little guy! Cant wait to see more pics! :D
Thanks for all your advice all.

I have turned my heatmat off now after hearing they can get up to 40 celcius as i don't want my lovely Miami Cornsnake getting too hot and after all my bedroom is really warm anyway.

And yes Velvet Cornsnakes are awesome:)

Sorry to be a pain all but could some of you guys show me a link to a website with the sort of thermostats you use just so i know i get the right one.

One last thing you don't think the picture of the cat in my water bowl will freak him out do you :shrugs:

Thanks again for all the help:)
Any thermostat with a temp probe will do. Place the probe inside the tank , under the subtrate (as your little one will like digging around!) on top of the mat. Plenty of people use rheostats with a seperate probe thermometer but as has been mentioned you'd need to keep adjusting it. Stay clear of those stick-on thermometers as they only measure ambient air temp, which can be vastly different from your mat temp.

Welcome to the site :cheers: