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Hello, I'm new here!


New member
Hi everyone, I'm from GA and just got my first cornsnake last week. I have more experience with Burmese Pythons but I haven't owned a snake in more than 15 years. I have a serious question regarding our snake so I will post that in a different area since this one is introductions only. I'm 33 and spent 12 years in the Air Force. I'm about to graduate with my Psychology degree and just wanted to get on here since it's nice to talk with others who have similar pets.

Gwendolynne Simeone
Welcome to the forum - Just in case you did not know you may want to check your local state laws in regards to owning a corn snake in GA. Here is the law which is posted on Georgia DNR website. If you need more information regarding Georgia laws and corn snakes Jeff Mohr (El Jefe) on this forum would be a good contact since he moved to GA and had to sell his collection due to the law restrictions.
Laws Related to Native Wildlife

By Georgia Law, most native species of wildlife cannot be held without permits or licenses. These licenses are not issued for the purpose of holding native wildlife as pets. These restrictions apply to the various species of animal, regardless of the origin or morphology.

Reptiles and Amphibians -
  • Alligator
  • Alligator Snapping Turtle
  • Black Racer
  • Bog Turtle
  • Box Turtle (Eastern, Florida, Gulf Coast, Three-toed)
  • Brown Snake
  • Coachwhip
  • Corn Snake
  • Crayfish Snake (Glossy, Striped)
  • Crowned Snake (Southeastern, Central Florida)
  • Diamondback Terrapin
  • Earth Snake (Rough, Smooth)
  • Fence Lizard
  • Flatwoods Salamander
  • Florida Worm Lizard
  • Garter Snake
  • Georgia Blind Salamander
  • Glass Lizard (Eastern, Island, Mimic, Slender)
  • Gopher Tortoise
  • Green Anole
  • Green Salamander
  • Hellbender
  • Hognose Snake (Eastern, Southern)
  • Indigo Snake
  • Kingsnake (Black, Eastern, Mole, Scarlet)
  • Map Turtle (Alabama, Barbour's, Common)
  • Milksnake
  • Mud Snake
  • One-toed Amphiuma
  • Pigeon Mountain Salamander
  • Pine Snake (Florida, Northern)
  • Pine Woods Snake
  • Queen Snake
  • Rainbow Snake
  • Rat Snake (Black, Gray, Yellow)
  • Redbellied Snake
  • Ribbon Snake
  • Ringneck Snake
  • Rough Green Snake
  • Scarlet Snake
  • Sea Turtle (Green, Hawksbill, Leatherback, Loggerhead, Ridley)
  • Six-lined Racerunner
  • Skink (Broadhead, Coal, Five-lined, Southeastern Five-lined, Ground, Mole)
  • Spotted Turtle
  • Striped Newt
  • Water Snake (Banded, Brown, Florida Green, Northern, Redbelly)
  • Worm Snake
Oh my goodness...okay well now I better find out what to do with this guy because the last thing I want to do is cause any illegal problems :(
Hello there I am new to this site....My family of boys would like to get a snake. I am actually scared of them. I realize this is an irrational fear and I am told they are likely more afraid of me them I am of them....I have my doubts lol. Anyway after a trip to a local reptile centre I have considered possibly a corn snake some are very pretty and they seem to be gentle by nature. Can anyone help me with some information on corn snakes? I wish I could be more specfic on what kind of information I am looking for but I dont even know myself? Thank you for being patient with me I am trying very hard to find my inner snake lover.
how do you start a thread

Open up one of the sub forums on the main page. And at the top of all the threads within the specific forum there will be a blue button that says "New Thread". Click on that and it will bring up a screen for you to type your new thread.

Hello there I am new to this site....My family of boys would like to get a snake. I am actually scared of them. I realize this is an irrational fear and I am told they are likely more afraid of me them I am of them....I have my doubts lol. Anyway after a trip to a local reptile centre I have considered possibly a corn snake some are very pretty and they seem to be gentle by nature. Can anyone help me with some information on corn snakes? I wish I could be more specfic on what kind of information I am looking for but I dont even know myself? Thank you for being patient with me I am trying very hard to find my inner snake lover.

I am proud that you are taking the time to try and learn instead of just saying no. You will learn once you have a snake that they each come with their own personalities and can be just as fun as any other pet to get an know. Good Luck and let us know if you have any specific questions. You may want to see if you can find a breeder in your area that would be willing to let you handle a few snakes and answer any questions that come to mind before you consider getting your own snake. Here is a list of breeders that are on this forum. http://www.cornsnakes.com/forums/showthread.php?t=76317
Thank you very much for the list of breeders. Unfortunately the only one registered on the list from Canada is from across the aountry. What should I look for in a good breeder?
And please do not be too proud of me I tried no! I tried its either a snake or a mother. I tried to threaten to get a pet bat as my partner does not like bats. (not that that would ever happen). Anyway I am loosing. If you cant beat them...might as well join them so I am trying..