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Hello :-)

Hi there.

I'm looking to keep my first snake in the next few months, at the moment I'm doing my research to make sure I know what I'm doing when I finally buy a little corn snake.

I am an experienced tropical fish keeper so hopfully that will stand me in good stead for keeping reptiules, particularly in terms of temperature requirements etc.

This looks likea great website, and I hope to learn lots from the more experienced members to benefit my snake when the time comes.

One quick question to start: what do you guys think of these starter kits, such as this one?

Starter Kit

Are they a good way to get started or will a baby snake soon out grow them? Is it best to buy the kit seperately.

Anyway, I look forward to getting to know you better soon.

Cheers :)
Welcome to the forums :)...The starter kit is fine, except for the Calci-Sand; it makes a poor substrate for corns. You'd be better off with newspaper, aspen, shredded coconut husk, you can do a search here for threads on suitable substrates. Plus heat mats can get really hot so you may want to consider a thermostat or rheostat (light dimmer) to control the output of the UTH.
Thanks for the reply.

If I need to ditch the heat mat and the substrate it may be better buying the equipment seperately then?

I was thinking of planting a tank up, so substrate will need to be looked at carefully I guess.
I think that the only thing that should be ditched is the calci-sand. What cka was saying was not to ditch the heat mat, but that you need something to regulate the temperature of the heat mat. A lot of us use a heat mat as our primary heating source, but it can get very hot and you need a way to keep it in the 80-85F temperature range and using a thermostat/rheostat is a good way to control it.
Thermostats are easy to use. Here is a link to a thermostat on that website you listed: Thermostat

As for size, that tank should be fine for the snake for a while... its a little small but should be fine for a hatchling. Should be fine for at least a couple months, not sure how long as it depends on the growth rate of your snake. I keep mine in a 10g currently and he is 10 weeks old.