Even if your baby has been accustomed to eating live, she still _should_ take FT with no problems. To give the switch the best chance of working the first try, give her five days between feedings so she is nice and hungry. Generally, with a new snake, new keepers are advised to let the snake relax without handling or feeding attempts for a week. The ensures that the snake is very ready to feed when offered! Feed at dusk or after dark, especially if you see the baby out roaming around. Feed in a small, separate container. Think margerine-sized dish, with air holes. Heat the pink up nice and hot!! About 102F. Cut a couple slits in the back of the pink with a small scissors. Put the baby in the container with the food, in a dimly lit place, and observe. Most likely, the baby will start to eat right away. If not, I'd drop a dish towel over the container and walk away. Wait an hour, no peeking! If the baby still hasn't eaten, I'd reheat the pink and put the whole feeding container in the viv over night.
Pinks don't keep very well once dead or thawed. I'd refrigerate it and try again this evening. If she doesn't eat it, wait 4-5 days and try again with a new FT.