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HELP! Dog dillema


I see spots!
OK, here is my dillema; what would you do? (sorry it's a little long--trying not to drag it out too much while still including the details)

A few months ago I thought I was going to lose one of my dogs, Severn--my very first dog I got when I move out. I ended up getting on Petfinder & saw the most georgoeus liver spot dalmatian, my DREAM dog that I have wanted since before I got Severn.

BUT I already had Severn & 4 other dogs, so I didn't apply. Over the weeks, even though Severn recovered, I could not stop thinking about Cayenne. I ended up submitting an application, got mostly approved (just needed a home visit) and was all set to get my new dog.

Well, I got a phone call saying that another adoption coordinator let her go to another family--some people who knew the foster family & had known Cayenne for a good while.

I was completely broken hearted but accepted that fact & started looking at another dog they had--a catahoula dalmatian cross--stunningly gorgeous white and blue merle & a mix of two breeds I love, perfect! Except I wasn't sure if I wanted a puppy.

While I was deciding and getting more & more attached to the puppy, Cayenne became available again due to landlord's pet weight restrictions.

I got my home visit & decided to get Cayenne, rode 6 hours south & met Cayenne and the puppy.

I liked the puppy right away & she was very friendly and interested in every one & funny to watch & all teh cute things that puppies are. Cayenne was mostly just interested in the people she already knew but came around a little bit as the visit went on.

I had a tough time leaving that little puppy behind, but I took Cayenne home. About an hour into the drive (I was in the back of the van with the dog while my friend drove) I found a mammary mass. This dog was just recently spayed and while they guessed her age at 18 months, I was convinced it was closer to 5-7 years; unspayed females are high risk candidates for mammary cancer.

I have already had the mass & gland removed as well as a cyst from her leg and a papiloma from her ear. had bloodwork done & a urinalysis both of which look pretty good (a little bit elevated kidney value which is common in older dogs). I get biopsy results early next week.

I also did chest films on her to see if we could find any metestasis. The problem is that she had heartworms a few months ago and while there are numerous lesions in her lungs, we couldn't tell if it was scar tissue from the heartworms or little cancerous regions.

Lots of dogs get masectomies and live a long time, some don't.

If I send this dog back, her foster family will keep her.

Right now Cayenne is not "in" my family. She has just been a dog that is living here. But I had the same experience with one of my others until we went through obedience classes together. Now Dolly is one of my clingiest & I am sure Cayenne would become adjusted too. Right now though, she paces incessantly and is not very responsive to me. She won't play with any of the dogs or with any toys & she won't lounge in my lap. She does, however, get very exited to see me when I come home from being gone.

BUT I can't stop thinking about the puppy. Would she be a better match? Would I have more fun with her? I can always find another liver spotted dal when Severn does pass on (she is almost 11) but I can't imagine finding another dalcat anywhere.

If Cayenne is away from em, my mind gets made up; I will give her back. But then if I look at her, I get upest at the thought, then I get upset at the thought of "losing" the puppy.

Anyone have any guidance?!?! :sobstory: :shrugs:


below is what I sent everyone yesterday--it's not really pertinant to my question but you can read if you want:

Cayenne had her surgery today. She had an uneventful recovery which means she did well. The whole thing took only about 25 minutes. My vet removed the entire 5th gland on the right side as well as a cyst from her left skin fold near the thigh and a papilloma from inside of her left ear. The papilloma came off very easily as it was on a stalk. The entire surgery was done with a CO2 lazer instead of a scalpel. She has 13 staples in the thigh area and 23 staples and a drain in the mammary gland area. She has some antibiotics to take twice per day. The drain will most likely come out on Monday and the staples a week from Monday. The biopsy results should be in mid-week.

I was going to leave her at work overnight so that she could stay calm and to let the oozing around her drain ease up a bit, but she was kind of anxious there & was whining alot, so I took her home around 6:30 PM. She has been pacing my kitchen since then. She ate a little bit--if it stays down I will feed her a little more in about an hour. I was trying to keep her in the kitchen by using an ex pen to block the doorway but here she is! Upstairs in my room. (hi Cayenne)

She's not really gotten the hang of walking in an E-collar & is earning the nickname "Crash"
It is easy to give my opinion since I'm not in that situation myself. What I would say is that you made a committment to care for Cayenne, and you need to honor that committment. I wouldn't feel it was right to back out just because you found another puppy you like.
I say the same as BeckyG.

I would also like to add that the puppy has a higher chance of getting adopted, where as the older dog wouldnt.
Thank you for your replies

I would also like to add that the puppy has a higher chance of getting adopted, where as the older dog wouldnt.
Both dogs have another home waiting for them; it is up to me to decide.

Anyone else?
im not much of a dog person myself, but it would be the same with 2 snakes i suppose,

weigh the pro's and con's of both dogs, see if you can get the Dal to respond to you as its owner, figure out if you have the money and time to put it through obedience school?

Noone can really help you with this decision, its about how you feel, what one your more attached to, and what one you would be happier with,

hope this helps!
If you connect well with the puppy and find yourself missing him then go get that pup! If Cayanne has been in a single dog family her whole life she may be nervous in your house. It would take a lot of time and individual work to help her get more comfortable and to get to know her. I'm not saying that would not be worth the time spent. It seems like you already have a load on your hands though.
Really, the stronger my bond is with a dog the more "special" I feel about them. I had a very strong and special bond with a dog I fostered. A few of my friends have his sister and were able to keep her. I recently moved in with them and was excited that I'd be living with a dog again. It's not the same at all however. The bond with the dog just isn't there, and while I do enjoy playing with Cricket, she doesn't give me that great.

It's great that you have taken her to the vet and fixed her up a bit. Given that she already has a family lined up I don't think this necessarily means that you have a responsibility to care for her forever. I think what ever is best for the dog is what you should do. If she doesn't seem happy and you don't seem happy then why force things?
Not sure what happened to my reply from earlier but here's another
If she doesn't seem happy and you don't seem happy then why force things?
She really doesn't seem happy but I have only had her about 10 days. She would probably adjust.

But if I gave her back, the foster family would adopt her (they almost did anyway) & I know she would feel like she was going back home after being at my house for a visit for some reason or other. If I knew that this dog wasn't going to live very long, this would absolutely be the best choice for her & maybe it still is.

However, the people have a set a 3 dog limit & have said that if they adopt one they will to longer be able to foster.

If I gave her back I feel like I would miss her, but I am not sure if I would miss her or what I think she can become. Right now she has been getting on my nerves because she just won't settle down.

If I keep Cayenne, there is an applicant who likes Bonnie. If I get Bonnie there are 2 other puppies in the litter that the other person could choose from (no idea if she has any interest in them).

Either way, both dogs have a home.

Finances are not much of a factor--I work for a vet & belong to a good obedience club that has a yearly rate no matter how many dogs you have (1 class per week per dog). Also, the rescue has mentioned helping with Cayenne's surgery. I wanted to do it here vs having the rescue do it at their vet b/c I want the biopsy results before I truly decide anything and I know we have very good medical care where I work.

Thanks for the input--keep it coming!