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Help! Female corn possibly egg bound

trenna davis

New member
How long after the pre lay shed should a female corn lay her eggs before it is time to start to worry she might be egg bound.
My female has been going nuts in her tank she has a nesting box in her tank she will go in n out of it n dig in the dirt in her tank. she shed on Feb 26/15 so it has only been 6 days. I don't want to jump the gun but I also don't want anything to happen to her.
Six days isn't too long. I'd check the lay box for proper moisture content and warmth. It sounds like your female isn't happy with what you have offered her and is looking elsewhere to lay her clutch. Being a first timer can affect how she acts as well. Make sure you aren't adding to her nervousness by constantly checking on her progress or lack there of.

thank you for your advice
this is actually her second season the first one last year was an accidental breeding n she laid eggs with no problem, but I didn't have a proper incubator set up & had no luck hatching
this year is our first real attempt to breed so this is all new to me & the snakes. we have everything we need at least I am hoping so the incubator is set up at 82F with 88 moisture
Our first match up has laid 13 eggs & they are all fertile so I am hoping they hatch successfully
this is our second match up & I am just nervous because the two pairs breed n shed at roughly the same time so I figured they would have laid roughly at the same time. I have read a lot about the egg binding & think I am getting to nervous
thank you for making me feel more at ease
I have also noticed that the first set of eggs seam to not be really plump some of them have dents in them. I am wondering if there is not enough moisture & that is why they are doing this. I don't want to end up drowning them by putting in to much water. advice with this would also be appreciated
What is your incubation medium? Dents can mean low humidity or infertile eggs. I like using long leaf sphagnum moss but I have have success with vermiculite, as well as, perlite. Some people use Hatchrite, glass marbles, sand or light diffusers. So there are lots of ways to keep the moisture level adequate for hatching.

I switched them over to perlite n put some moss on top of them it has seemed to have helped this morning they looked better what should the humidity be. I just have to keep an eye on them.
my other female started to lay her eggs this morning she wasn't happy with what i set up I think. I moistened the whole cage n she went under her hide n started laying there.
I had jumped the gun she laid 14 beautiful eggs n 4 I think are slugs but I am going to incubate them for a bit anyway. I will post pic's as they develop
Great! My girls usually lay on about Day 12 after they shed. Sometimes a day or two sooner or later, but that's the average.