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Help I think I have a sick snake


New member
Hi All,
About a week ago I posted that my female was laying eggs they have been taken out of the tank and and safly put in a icubator ( thankfully donated by a local snake breeder)

I noticed that since she finished laying her eggs she has started to kind of well sneeze its quiet strange the local breeder has taken a look at her and he said it dosen't look like a respertory infection and that the wood chip substrate gives of dust if unchanged for a period of time and she might have the dust in her nostrols

He told me to bath her and the next time I clean out the viv use a very little bleach and clean very good and to use a diffrent substrate but could u guys help a little more I don't want to lose my snake

Merlin:( :(
How often do these sneezes occur? If it occurs more than a couple times a week, I'd take the snake to a qualified vet.

Also, my snake sneezes occasionally after a long drink (gets water up her nose).

Just out of curiosity, what type of bedding do you use? Some types of bedding are notoriously bad for the snake's respiratory tract, and some downright lethal (cedar and pine to name a couple).

-13mur 6
I find the repti bark quite dusty and that could very well be the problem. I agree to give your snake a bath in the tub. When my snake had skin problems due to the repti bark, i bathed him and made sure that he put his head under water for a quick second or too. If it seems mean or anything to put its head under water, it not. You'll just see bubbles come out of his nose and he's fine. It's actually kinda funny, to see him blow bubbles. Sometimes my snake goes underwater by himself though too, so yours might. If it doesn't clear up in a while i'd see the local vet.
Panic over

Hi All,
We foubd the problem, I got my mum to take me to th evet with my snezzing snake and guess what shes all better she had not shed properly and still had skin over her nose the vet bathed her and removed it ad now no mose sneezes but why didn't think skin just fall off???

Any Ideas?
Im happy

Im happy your snake is better...this was a learning experience so now i know what to do if my snake gets the sniffles ^_^