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Help my snake won't eat


Taz is GOOD!!!
Well I got my snake over 2 weeks ago and he won't eat. He has mice ( the pet store said I could put the mice in the cage) so I did. He hasn't eaten. I have put him in the bathtub and he has had bowl movements, but the mice are still live and kicken. I have been puttng vegetables in the cage for the mice. My main concern is that he is pale. Is this normal befor shedding? Is there something special I need to do? My friend says that befor they shed they do not eat. Is this true? If it is how long does it take him to shed? He is also cold to me. I have a light on him and I cover him with a blanket. Are they supposed to be cold? I got this snake and I thought I was ready. BOY WAS I EVER SO WRONG!!!! Can you all please help me out. I do not want my snake to suffer. It is a Red Corn Snake.

It's really not a good idea to leave live mice in with the snake, they could injure it severely. I'd suggest you take them out, and put them in a seperate tub.
Then check your husbandry. Make sure your temperatures are good, because snakes just won't eat if the temperature is wrong.
Don't handle your snake at all, to reduce stress, because stressed snakes won't eat.
Your snake may be going into shed, and a lot of snakes won't eat until after they shed.
Read the FAQ's on husbandry and feeding, and you won't go wrong with getting Kathy Love's cornsnake book, and reading it. While you do this and figure out the requirements, your snake will be fine not eating for a week or so and won't be at risk from the mice chewing it.
Most people feed their snakes frozen-bought mice, thawed out and served at quite a warm temperature. Check this link for some reasons why.
Defiantly get the mice out of his viv, not only is it a danger to the snake but also stressful for him/her. Diamondlil pretty much covered all the bases, I would check out the FAQ as she suggested, there is a ton of info to help you there. Good luck ;)

I have snakes that will not eat when they are about to shed. If you look at the snakes eyes, and they are all clouded looking, then that's probably what it is. That condition will appear to clear up, and then a few days later the snake will shed. Then usually they are very hungry.
Keep it warm, and leave it alone, and like what was already said, get the mice out of there, as they will nibble on your snake!
When you say you cover your snake in a blanket, do you mean you drape a blanket over the outside of the tank, with the heat lamp shining on it, or do you mean you literally put a blanket on your snake? :eek1:

Oh, and as far as advice given, go with Diamondlil's and Dogstar's advice on this one. Live rodents, out of defense/fear or else hunger (particularly with rats) will gnaw on your snake, and it's not a pretty sight. x_x This can also lead to secondary infection and possibly death to said snakey. Not good.