Taz is GOOD!!!
Well I got my snake over 2 weeks ago and he won't eat. He has mice ( the pet store said I could put the mice in the cage) so I did. He hasn't eaten. I have put him in the bathtub and he has had bowl movements, but the mice are still live and kicken. I have been puttng vegetables in the cage for the mice. My main concern is that he is pale. Is this normal befor shedding? Is there something special I need to do? My friend says that befor they shed they do not eat. Is this true? If it is how long does it take him to shed? He is also cold to me. I have a light on him and I cover him with a blanket. Are they supposed to be cold? I got this snake and I thought I was ready. BOY WAS I EVER SO WRONG!!!! Can you all please help me out. I do not want my snake to suffer. It is a Red Corn Snake.