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Corn Lover
Help my mom won't let me get a Corn snake and really want one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What can I say to get her to change her mind???? I even have I privite breeder in my area!!!!!!!!
yeah my mom was the same way. I had to move out. There is always the closet. Just as long as she is not the one who cleans your room ~~~~~~~~~:--<
Well first ask her WHY she won't let you have one.
Is she afraid of snakes? Explain them to her and get a book (The Corn Snake Manual by Bill and Kathy Love is GREAT!) and help her learn about them. I remember one of my friends was like, "Eww I don't like them because they always flick their tongues out." Once I explained that's how they smell things, he was like, "Oh, is that all? That's not gross then." Actually, my mom is still scared of snakes but I promised I wouldn't bring mine near her, ever, unless I had permission.
Does she think you're not responsible enough?
Then you have to show her that you ARE responsible enough. Do your chores without being told, etc.
Does she not like that the snake will eat mice?
Well this is something she'll have to get over if she is going to let you have a snake. My mother hates mice but she allows me to keep frozen ones in the freezer as long as she can't see them. I wrap them in 6 opaque plastic bags. She says she'd rather have dead mice in the freezer than live mice anywhere near her. There is also something called T Rex Snake Steak sausages. These are like small sausages made up of ground up animals (not too different from our hot dog sausages then, hm..? ;)). You can keep them in the freezer and thaw them out before each feeding.
Is there not enough room in the house for a tank big enough for the snake?
You could probably find some way to ingeniously fit the tank somewhere where it won't get in the way.
Are there financial problems?
Well, if this is the reason, there's probably not much chance that you will be able to get a snake. It does cost quite a bit for a tank, heating pad/heat lamp, substrate, snake itself, mice, etc. I think I ended up paying somewhere in between $120-160 for everything when I went to get my first snake. And this was out of my own pocket.

When I wanted to get my own snake last October-November-December, I had to be a perfect child in order to get permission to get my own snake. I got straight A's in my report card, practiced at least one of piano every weekday and at least 3 every weekend, kept my room immaculate, washed the dishes, folded the laundry, etc etc etc. Well it paid off..I got my own snake in December and now in June I am getting another one in a few days. :) Two is the maximum for now though.
I could ramble on some more about this and that but I do have my Math Regents tomorrow afternoon so I'd better go study. Good luck !
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Is she afraid of them? Mine is (that's why I'm cornless). I'm giving her some information on them, telling her how they're relatively small and friendly. I also promise that the snake will stay in my room and she'll never have to see it (Unless she comes in my room). My mom's warming up and I think I'll get one in July. If you show her how much you want one by giving her info and doing what's expected of you, she might give in.
I have had many pets growing up, my mother always said NO snakes. Of course I never listen so I bought one. Now a year later I have 5 snakes and 3 lizards too. Just yesterday I was talking to her and she told me that the snakes are by far the best pet I ever had. Mainly because she didn't have to do anything for it. Like all my dogs eating everything in the house or using the rug as their private bathroom. No muddy paw prints on the carpet. The list is endless. I wouldn't suggest just going out and buying one without her permission though. Maybe if you sit down and talk about the snake with her. Or maybe take her to a friends house that has snakes and show her what they are like. I wish you the best of luck here.
Thanks everyone for your suggestions!!!! I will use them!!! But i am still open to any more suggestion!!!!
Do this...

If you are old enough, do this:

1) Ask your parent(s) if you can go get a job.

2) If they say OK, then go to your local fast food restaurant.

3) Ask for an application and then fill it out when you recieve it.

4) Keep coming back and talking to manager if they dont call you (Optional if you dont get job at first)

5) When you get your first paycheck, open a bank account with the help of said parents (If you are under 18, theyll have to sign for you).

6) Deposit money in accout.

7) Ask parent(s) if you can get a snake - since you have a job, you have responsibilty, as well as money to take care of the snake. Point out that you have a bank account(s) and are depositing money into each account every paycheck (the saving money part, which shows that you are not wasteful and buy stuff on a whim).

8) If the job thing doesnt work, you could always call a reputable breeder and talk to them and get your parents to ask basic questions about care to them (hmm.. Rich Z for example).

This is how I got my 2 corns, I did everything except #8 listed above. My parents thought that since I had a job, as well as bank accounts that I was depositing money into, I was not to wasteful and that the snakes would not be a "just to do it" thing, I could buy myself some snakes. I now have 4 snakes, 1 ball python and 3 corn snakes (I had adopted one of the snakes later on), and feed them on a schedule, and generally take very good care of them. My parents were (and still are) very impressed with how well Ive taken care on my snakes. Hope this helps!

If your parents are afraid of them, go to a good petshop where they take very good care of thier snakes, and see if the owner will let you hold one. Try to get you parent(s) to touch and hold them, so that they will see that snakes are not that bad (I recommend doing this with a ball python, since it seems like they were the only ones at the pet shop that did not try to dart out of my hands). Hope this helps even more!