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ella pearce

New member
my cornsnake was in the formation of shedding cloudy eyes and dull colour im no worrying as this was about over a week ago is this normal what should i do please help and respond as quikly as possible!
How old is your snake? As they get older they shed more often. Also some have their own schedule so to speak.

Did the eyes look blueish about a week ago? Is your snake light colored? (sometimes light colored corns don't get a really blue eye). The shedding process can take a little while, I wouldn't worry just yet.

Out of curiosity, what are the humidity levels? I keep mine 50%-60% and I always have a nice shed. Although if your humidity level is really low you can put a humid hide in there (a small container with moss or damp paper towels).
my cornsnake is reddy orangey and yellowy she went very grey blue eyes and very very dull skin she is 8 months old

I'd give her more time then, Rose Red is 10 months old and takes quite a long time. Nothing to worry about :). It always feels like a long time.
Nothing to worry about, sometimes it takes upto 14 days for the shed process. Their eyes will clear before they shed.
Do not worry :)
BUT for reassurance, you can give your snake a moist hide. A container with damp sphagnum moss inside with a hole big enough for the snake to get in and out. I provide both my corns a moist hide as soon as I see they are blue, and they have always had complete, perfect sheds!
One of mine sheds quick around a week to a week and a half from the start of blue til I find the shed, the other one we have takes her sweet time. She stays blue forever, then clears and stays clear for.ever. Like I thought she ate the shed or something weird, forever. Then finally finally sheds, she takes 2-2.5 weeks to reveal her new pretty self. Very nerve wreaking!!