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Herping near Table Rock Lake (Branson, Missouri)


New member
I'm going on vacation tomorrow to Table Rock Lake near (in?) Branson, Missouri. Is there any good herping around there? Where would I find info like that?
MO said:
What do you mean herping? like catching snakes or reptile shops?

Observation in nature. Photo ops, etc. Meaning...if I walk around in the woods around the lake, what will I see? Snakes, lizards, spiders, toads, etc? What is the local wildlife like?
mainly watermockasins and rattlers, maybe a bullfrog if your near a lake, but I do believe it's mostly crickets and mosquitos. NO LIZARDS in Missouri. Go to Missouri conservation website

They will help alot
Actually there are quite a bit of lizards in missouri. Multiple species of skinks, collared lizards for sure, horned lizards and I think even a species of legless lizard....probably more but I don't know what they are.
I was about to say...I know I've caught lizards in MO before... Anyways, your problem right now is going to be weather. Its gettin cold quick, but good luck. If you're near a lake I have to agree with the above thread, what you're going to find the most is giong to be some bullfrogs and leopard frogs. Most of the watersnakes nad cottonmouths like to be around water that has some movement to it. But if you run across anything go for it :) Just be safe and post pics if you get any :D
yes and on top of it all my parents also say it's raining frequently so good luck, I just don't think you'll find much unless you go towards the ozarks. But to tell you the truth I havent been to Branson in like 6 years.

But hey good luck,man have a good time and please bring back photos.

We Missourians would like to see pics of Branson, that is for those when other parts of the country right now.
And if nothing else, you should see some beautiful fall colors in that part of the country right now :)
Yeah, it's pretty cold here right now! At least at night...My lake house is near Warsaw, so I'm guessing there might be some of the same wilflide there....I've found garter snakes, an adorable little brown snake who tamed up almost immediately, black rats, water moccasins, and copperheads. I've also seen some little black lizards with blue on them and also little lizards who look like baby bearded dragons! I even found a scorpion once! That was unexpected lol. Besides that theres obviously deer, and I've seen some red fox kits that I actually fed...hehe and also a ton of buzzards and bald eagles, groundhogs, chipmunks, etc.. And a TON of mosquitos swarm to you at night if you have a flashlight...ugh...but in turn that also brings a lot of bats! =) Did I mention I found a flying squirrel in my basement once? haha sorry I know those aren't reptiles but still....cool animals.
Ok, so....I got back from MO on Monday. I didn't see a single snake or lizard. I didn't even see any bugs--not even the expected mosquitos--although I did get a few bites on my ankles so I know they were there. Missouri mosquitos must be stealthier than our Texas skeeters that are bigger than most birds. :rolleyes:

My husband and I went fishing on Table Rock Lake (with day licenses of course) and caught a bunch of teeny tiny fish. Bluegill (brim?), bait-sized crappie, and a prize-winning 7-inch bass of some sort. :D

Not much for herping in October, but at least the fishing was fun. :)
Not much for herping in October, but at least the fishing was fun. :)

Well, isn't better to be lucky than good? Just in the last three weeks, I've found a prarie ringneck, midland watersnake, ribbon snake, 5-lined skink, and northern fence lizard!!!:dancer:

And yesterday, my wife found a hatchling black rat behind our house. It's cut-up pretty bad (probably from a lawn mower). So I'll be playing doctor for the next few weeks to see if I can heal it.

The weather has been warmer than normal in the past few weeks here, but next week is supposed to cool down. I guess the fun's over for about five months!