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Herpstat with 2 probes?


Happily a cornsnake lover
Has anyone every used an original herpstat with 2 probes? Does it work to regulate a UTH in 2 seperate enclosures? I only have one probe right now and I have 2 UTH in 2 different tanks and the temps are off. The enclosure that has by corn snake in it with the probe is regulating at 85 degrees. But the one with my albino nelson milksnake in it is at about 88.5 degrees. So I was wondering if I can purchase another probe and use it in the other tank to regulate the temp properly? Any info would be great. Thanks
I may be wrong, but I believe the second probe on an original Herpstat is used for night drop. You can always write to the owner, Dion, and ask him. But there is no way to set a second, different temp with that model. The more expensive (a lot more expensive) models will do it.

Are the vivs the same size? Are the UTHs identical? Are both the temp probes secured in the same place? Is one viv higher than the other, not side by side?
If everything is identical, I would set it so the hotter viv is 86, making the cooler viv 82-83, which is still fine. Also- does the thermometer(s) have fresh batteries?
I may be wrong, but I believe the second probe on an original Herpstat is used for night drop. You can always write to the owner, Dion, and ask him. But there is no way to set a second, different temp with that model. The more expensive (a lot more expensive) models will do it.

Are the vivs the same size? Are the UTHs identical? Are both the temp probes secured in the same place? Is one viv higher than the other, not side by side?

Ok, maybe I will write to him. I was planning to set the same temp for both vivs. About 85 degrees, is this ok? I just got this albino nelsons milksnake at the herp world expo this weekend and thought I could just plug both UTHs into the herstat and set it to 85. But what is the milksnake's temp suppose to be at? I am seeing many mixed things on this, I thought they had identical husbandry as corns. Online caresheets say anywhere from 80-88. The book that came with it says 88. I think that is too hot but am unsure.

The vivs are both 20 gallon long. The UTHs are not same brand. The one that is running hotter is a 7 watt T-rex and the other is an 8 watt All Living Things. I wonder if maybe I put the probe in the other one? I don't know. Yes, both temp probes are secure in the same place and are brand new, just out of the box. Both vivs are side by side.
It's pretty hard to match different brands of UTHs. The milksnake should be fine at the same temp you keep the corn at.
It's pretty hard to match different brands of UTHs. The milksnake should be fine at the same temp you keep the corn at.

Yea, I have been thinking about that. Also thought about getting the same one for both. I'm gonna mess around a little and see if I can get the 88 to 85, thanks again Nanci! Like i said before you are awesome!