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He's got moxy!

Go-go is turning out to be one amazing snake.

He is a beautiful charcoal, is growing and eating well and calms down after a minute of handling. Calm isn't actually the right word. He no longer acts threatened but he's on the move and very curious! Hence the name Go-go.

Just now, I glanced over to his viv see him sticking his little neck and mid-body out really far from his favourite hang out spot (the plastic tree which offers a lot of hiding foliage for him) to inspect the cat which was sitting by his tank. This little guy is no longer than 11 inches and there he was confidently reaching to smell and investigate this much larger creature. They were touching nose to nose with only a sheet of glass between them. Talk about moxy!

Usually when I handle him, I keep him on my hands becuase I fear he will voluntarily launch himself to the ground and disappear. Yesteday, I let him out of my hands for the first time to explore the couch. His movement was so elegant. He slithered along, at a steady pace, head held high, propelling himself forward with only the last half of his body doing the work. My other corns move with thier head to the ground but Go-go moves along so confidently and with such a feather-like elegance.

Then, day before yesterday, I took a close-up shot of Go-go for the first time. Without this digital camera I never would have noticed (been able to see) all the little pink spots and subtle blue-ish markings about his head. What a looker!

Sorry. I'm gushing like a proud mommy but truly... I am so enchanted with these creatures! Each has thier own fascinating and unique trait that makes my jaw drop, or support a smile, time after time.

If you can, take a close up of your snakes! You'll see things you never would be able to otherwise.

Tracy : )


  • gogo on white.jpg
    gogo on white.jpg
    83 KB · Views: 43
I love his eyes! They are stunning. Erm.. I feel silly asking, but what exactly is "moxy"? I'm not familiar with the term, although it sounds like bravery or curiosity.
Very nice eyes! Great looking snake with sweet pink highlights. I'm sure he's still quite secure in his masculinity. :eek1:

Jessica - "Moxy" ... er... gumption, courage, guts, "a big pair" (so to speak).
Moxy can also be described as a state of mind in which one has confidence in their ability to try or do anything, even in the presence of fear or uncertainty.

a big pair is also a good definition! :laugh01: