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Hey guys what's up I'm new


New member
Yeah im new but im cool i promise. I bought my first corn snake last week and he is a normal about 2-3 months old. he doesnt have hardly any brown or red yet though. once i buy another usb cable ill post pictures. So say whats up.

post script: tracee is hot
Hey StratMan, welcome to the forum! So what color is the little guy?? I can't wait to see pictures. . . .
His name is Ziggy Stardust (a la David Bowie haha). He is olive green with dark brown saddles. Ziggy is about 15 inches long. I really like Amel's and Sunglow Motley's so if i get another anytime soon it will be one of those. although i dont know if i can afford any other equipment... College is expensive. Ill pick up a usb cable tomorrow to post pictures of myself and my pal Zigmeister.
Thanks a lot. I am a musician and i play mostly strats. I am actually recording this week. woohoo dream come true. ziggy curled up around a tuner on my smith strat while i was playing. its funny hes so tiny and cute.
sorry to post so much but im bored and i happened to notice youre from clearwater. Im from palm harbor. i moved to indiana however during high school and now i am thinking of moving to boston over the summer. ziggy might not like the cold...
No offense taken at all. Any really guitarist knows that Gibson's and Fenders are both excellent in different way. I own both i play both. I just happen to play one of my fenders a little more than my gibson 335. I cant imagine life without either of those guitars. Gibsons are built better and have great tone, but there are some times that you just need a fender sound. Fenders are also a bit harder to make sound good. any fool can pick up a gibson with perfect intonation and sound killer. Try that with an old strat and you sound like ****. Strat owners really need to know their guitar to optimize it. All strats play differently. Ok im rambling a bit now.... Im about to post some pictures of Ziggy.
Ahhh, a love of music and snakes, Is there any better combination?
I too am a musician, I make electronic music and I'm working on the forth track to the album I started in September, And I play drums for a band called The Jimmy Woodsers :)
lol... Thank you Matt, I hope you like it here for reasons other than the girls!! How are the photos coming along?

Guitars + snakes = phwoar, by the way.

StratMan1982 said:
No offense taken at all. Any really guitarist knows that Gibson's and Fenders are both excellent in different way. I own both i play both. I just happen to play one of my fenders a little more than my gibson 335. I cant imagine life without either of those guitars. Gibsons are built better and have great tone, but there are some times that you just need a fender sound. Fenders are also a bit harder to make sound good. any fool can pick up a gibson with perfect intonation and sound killer. Try that with an old strat and you sound like ****. Strat owners really need to know their guitar to optimize it. All strats play differently. Ok im rambling a bit now.... Im about to post some pictures of Ziggy.
I hear that. I am about to get a Gibson SG, but my current baby is my Fender Jaguar. For some reason, no one can play that thing. All of my friends that have picked it up say that my guitar sucks, but I just tell them that they aren't playing it right :grin01: It sounds great when I play it. Sometimes, you just gotta get to know your Fender. My favorite setup is my Jaguar, an Electroharmonix Big Muff (russia), and the MXR Distortion + as a boost. I also plan on replacing my bridge pickup with a super-distortion pickup when I stop spending money on all of my snakes.