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Hey My Site

That's a very nice site you have ... and some fantastic graphics - excellent :D

Three points I can make (as a professional web designer - link on banner of Suzy's site) are:

1. The bottom link on the nav bar doesn't have a nice image like the rest of them (just plain hyperlink)

2. The nav bar is great, perhaps have it on all pages - people generally don't like using the back button all of the time

3. Try and keep a consistent typeface and colour scheme (you can use style sheets). Having different pages different colours and fonts different sizes is quite common on ameteur sites and instantly makes the site less user friendly. Personally I like the black background.

Anyway, the content is ace (I'll read it properly tomorrow), the graphics are superb and even though it's your first site, and written in HTML, it rivals a lot of professional sites. Your snakes are cool too!

HTH - and keep up the good work

(BTW if you ever need any advice just gimme and email ...)
Ah, yes I do know that the link is normal typeface... i am still working on parts of my site. Are the different colors too much? I fixed it a lot from how it was before, with different bgs and colors.... I'm also making all the titles the same font, etc. I don't use style sheets.... what are they?

I still havent gotten to some of the pages, like my variations section and the caresheet, and the my family page. Please bear with me, lol as I am working on my other site at this time also... *lol* I make so much work for myself.

I also might make some content revisions, because I know a little more than I did two years ago. :) And I will see if I can go about putting the nav bar on all the pages. Should the title graphic be up there too? ( i think so)

Thank you for helping me and for your nice comments. I'm glad that you like it. ^^

PS: Its not really my first site.... You should have seen the one I did on expage! :eek: ;)
Firstly, I'd say that although I'll happily offer web design advice, this will be the last time on this thread. It's a corn snake site not a web design site and I don't wanna annoy people by posting OT. My email address is [email protected] - contact me and I'll help ya. Cheers :D

Colours:Yes, I think they are too much. Consistency and simplicity are what makes sites look good. Look at this one, look at most professional looking ones. It seems strange, but as soon as you see a nicely laid out site you'll wonder why you ever had it different!

Style Sheets are a way of linking all of your fonts and background colours to one document. You kind of "reprogram" your header tags to a particulat style and tell each document to look there.

Have a look at the source code on:
and style sheet found at:

I'd put the title bar and logo on each page - again, consistency.

I have a HTML tutor which I written at Uni. This explains Frames and Cascading Style Sheets in detail. If you wanna copy (it's quite a few megabytes) let me know and I'll upload it to the web.

I hope this helps, and remember that despite the critisms I think you site is ace!