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Hey Rich I got a ?

That animal hatched out in 1998.

The adults I sell have previously been used as breeders. That's the only reason I would hold back any animals to raise them to adulthood. Then when either I have moved on to the next level with a project, or perhaps the results from the breeders is not what I had hoped for, I HAVE to put them on surplus to make room for the later generations growing up.

As an example, if I kept 300 babies per year from the hatchlings, that inevitably means that I have to get rid of 300 adults per year to make room for the next generation needing bigger cages. Unless I continually expand my building to make more room, there is no other alternative to this.

Does that answer your questions?
Are most of the snakes on that page from 98( do you have any older ones?? Thanks this might be exactly what I'am looking for
Look at the first two digits on the number for the year they were born. Most of them are 98's, but there is an older one.

(Psst, Rich, your snakes aren't Y2K compliant. ;))

Yeah I know. Neither am I (compliant, that is). Wait until the rest of the world goes to Pantherophis (or whatever that new genera is) and I am the only one still using Elaphe g. guttata.

BTW, one of those amels on that surplus list might be sold. Seems to me someone called while I was in the middle of 10 things and said they wanted it. Check is in the mail.... that sort of thing. It was right before the Orlando show so I just put a marker on the cage so I wouldn't take it to the show.
BTW, aren't you all afraid that you will get banned from kingsnake.com by fraternizing with the "enemy", a known [bleeper]? ;)
Well if we all do, the forum could get pretty interesting over there, I could see what it would look like now.

What do I feed my new cornsnake?.....newbie
  • Crickets...cornexpert

How do I get proper temps in my cage?......newbie
  • Use a heat rock.....cornexpert

Should I keep my corns together?.......newbie
  • sure it will save time on feeding.....cornexpert

Where is the best place to buy a corn?.....newbie
  • Petco or Kingsnake.com classifieds alway offer top notch animals.....cornexpert

What does het mean?......newbie
  • It means it is carring a recessive trait like Miami...cornexpert
Rich Z said:
BTW, aren't you all afraid that you will get banned from kingsnake.com by fraternizing with the "enemy", a known [bleeper]? ;)
LoL no i'll have to live a life of shame :p
oh BTW did you sell that lavender? And Are the snakes on the adults page good feeders and don't mind handling? cause thats one of the reasons i might get an adult
Yeah, the male Lavender sold on my auction board. But I probably have another one around here if you want one. I've been looking over the critters growing up that will need bigger boxes next Spring and it's pretty depressing. LOTS of adults are going to have to go, it appears.

Shipping is still $50 for the adults. If I have to use a bigger box for multiple adults, my cost will be $52 to $55, but I just eat the difference.

Nah, it's ok I was just wonderin about the Lavender way to much money for me (i've saved up 250 for a snake and my setup. so 500 bucks is way to much) right now iam leaning towards the Normal(i like the dark colors)