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Hi Everyone!


Read, read, read!
My name is Amanda, and I'm new here (obviously :))

I have loved snakes all of my life, but growing up my parent's didn't want one in the house. I got married 2 years ago to a wonderful man who happens to be afraid of snakes. :cry: We currently have a miniature Schnauzer, Freddy, and two crazy little ferrets Houdini and Denver.

He's in the Army and we just settled in at Ft. Bliss, TX. Since I have finally managed to get the house set up, I decided I wanted to set up my 55gallon aquarium and get a few Oscar's. While we were at the pet shop the other day, I was looking at the fish they had, and then we looked at the reptiles, and they had 5 or 6 little baby corn snakes. I was, of course, going "Awwww!" like they were fuzzy little kittens, and my husband says "Well why don't you get one?" (As it turns out, he really doesn't like fish. At all).

I about peed myself! :laugh:

So, we have a little aquarium to set up for our future snake, a place to put it, and a place to buy him/her from. And I am so excited!
I'm new here too. I got a corn snake, Humphrey, a couple of months ago from craigslist. He is an amel of some sort (he is orange & coral colored, no black at all, very little white). I do not know how old he is, but he about 24 inches long & takes fuzzy mice. I had wanted a corn snake for a while -- I had one about 10 years ago, named Imhotep. He was a wild type. He died suddenly, and I never knew why. I had fed him 48 hours earlier & he ate well, then I went back to check on him the next day, he was fine & I didn't handle him because he was 24 hours post meal, the next day I went to handle him & he was dead.

So I decided to get back to owning a corn snake this year. Humphrey is very tame, seems to like being handled & carried around, is a very enthusiastic eater. I feed F/T mice and he hits them like he thinks they are alive, constricts the heck out of them and then inhales them! It's pretty amusing to watch.

I have loved snakes since I was a kid but my mom was terrified -- I used to be able to cause screaming just by talking about catching a garter snake. I thought about getting a ball but they get larger than I can comfortably house in my small apartment, and it wouldn't be fair to the snake to live in too small a vivarium. So Humphrey is perfect. He is in a 30 gallon aquarium and I think it will probably be fine even as he gets larger.

I hope to learn from everyone here. When I figure out how to post pix I will post one so maybe someone can tell me what kind of amel Humphrey is (other than "a very pretty & friendly one")

Blessed be!
Hi B!

#1: You totally stole my name idea ;)

#2: I'm going to guess, due to your use of "Blessed Be" that you are (most likey) a Pagan. In which case, I say Awesome! and since I am a pagan (too?) I right back at'cha!
Hi Amanda, welcome to the group. It disturbs me that your husband is a soldier and is afraid of snakes. I thought those protecting our life and liberty were more manly men.

Many people here refer to me as the Horned God, you may as well. Come often, post pictures.
Hi Amanda, welcome to the group. It disturbs me that your husband is a soldier and is afraid of snakes. I thought those protecting our life and liberty were more manly men.

Erm. Kind of inappropriate, don't you think, Wade? Being afraid of something doesn't mean anyone is less "manly" than another.

Sorry to comment in your thread, Amanda, but I found Wade's comment more disturbing than anything you've yet typed.
Amanda, yes, I am a Pagan. Merry Meet!

I didn't name Humphrey, he was named by his previous owner. Feel free to name one of your corns Humphrey!

Umm, I am not going to call anyone the Horned God on this forum. No offense, but not happening.

Oh, and being afraid of snakes does NOT make a man unmanly. Any man who has the courage to face being in combat is a REAL MAN. For that matter, any woman who has the courage to face combat (and yes it happens despite the official Army position that women are in noncombat roles) is a REAL WOMAN. Nobody who has the courage to serve in the US military is lacking in courage. They may have other character flaws (not all military personnel are saints), but they are courageous.

Blessed be,
Oh come on, you know if the guy is afraid of snakes he is probably neat and tidy as well. I bet he folds his socks.
Guys - don't take Wade too seriously. He is harmless, just likes to poke fun sometimes although his phrasing sometimes leaves one wondering if he is really joking or not...
Luv ya Wade....
Welcome, great site loads of info some very knowledgeable individuals and the occasional Jack ass but on the whole it is a great forum..
I certainly would not name names and would not presume to know anyones motives or anything...Welcome again..

It's hard to get me wound up. I said my piece & I'm done on that score.

Now, let's talk about snakes! :laugh:

I was just surfing some pictures elsewhere on the site. I saw some beautiful snakes -- anery in particular. I love the grey/brown patterns -- looks like tree bark, lovely.

I see lots of places on the Internet that sell corn snakes. How do I tell if they are any good & will sell me a healthy snake who has started feeding OK?

Info would be appreciated. I have the feeling I am going to figure out how to wedge another 30 gallon into my apartment for a second snake (although I figure if I get a hatchling s/he can start out in a plastic tub from WalMart with holes drilled in it).

Blessed be,
B, you fire quicker than anyone I have ever met. I’ll give you some time and then we’ll chat.
Hi Amanda, welcome to the group. It disturbs me that your husband is a soldier and is afraid of snakes. I thought those protecting our life and liberty were more manly men.

Many people here refer to me as the Horned God, you may as well. Come often, post pictures.

I agree with everyone who said this was offensive. I am offended. I'm not going to go in to a huge rant over it, but let me just say that he isn't like "deathly" afraid of them. And HE is the one that suggested I get a snake, b/c he knows I want one and thinks that knowing more about them and actually handling one will make him feel much more comfortable about them.

And, no, he does not fold his socks. Left to his own devices, he would probably wear the same pair for a week before he finally thought to wash some, let alone fold them. He's a messy, disorganized guy. But, since I am organized, I just keep everything tidy so he doesn't drive me nuts. :nope:

Also, I am not calling anyone the "Horned God." I don't take my religion as a joke.
OK ok ok, I give up. And you are absolutely right, I should not make fun of someone’s religion and their deities. I was wrong to make a joke of that and I apologize.

I was joking about your husband’s manhood. I’m sure he is a credit to the army and I am grateful for the men and women who serve our nation. I am sorry to hear he is such a slob.