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Hi guys


New member
I have always loved snakes, my brother used to have a corn snake but it died years ago. I have a tropical fish tank in my old bedroom and i need to move it to my new room but i would have to empty the water to move it because its about 25 gallons. I decided im going to give my fish to my friend and get a corn snake. I asked my mum and she said NO, but im sure i can work her into it lol.

Ive just got a few questions.

1. Are corn snaked easy to look after

2. How much do they cost to maintain per month

3. How much will i have to spend on equipment ( i already have cage)

Here is a pic of my tank at the moment:


SHould that be alright?

Corn snakes are generally seen as the easiest snakes to look after in my experience.
I couldnt tell you off the top of my head electrical bills and such but at the end of the day I am certain that feeding something once a week for about 50p is cheaper than a dog or cat at £1 per meal twice a day. (Or the equivalent in US dollers)

I'd think maybe £30 for the heat pad and basking light E.T.C

You'd want to make sure that tanks secure. I had my hatchling corn on my desk today and he squezed his head through a gap about 5mm wide.
Hmm, it has got holes at the back where the heater and pump cables etc go in, but i can seal them.

Ah one other question, do snakes smell at all?

My mum seems to think snakes are hard to look after but i think she only thinks this because of my brothers old snake. My brother left the lid off his vivarium and it got out, and went in between the dorr and door frame of the bathroom next to the hinge and my mum shut it in the door. IT lived but wouldnt eat and died about a month later. MY MUM IS NOT GOIN IN MY ROOM WHEN I GET MY SNAKE, MURDERER lol.
corns are seen as the beginers snake as they are so easy to care for.

The tank does look big enough however you will have to make sure its absolutly 100% secure, as baby corns can and will find their way out of anything, for example i had one of my babies slip out through the tiny gap in the sliding glass doors with a lock on it!!!

Their care is relativley inexpensive after the initial cost of the necessities eg heat mat/heat lamp, thermostat (to regulate the temperature). In uk £ this came to almost £60 for just those two things, not including large tanks (which you dont have to worry about)

tank accessories are relativley inexpensive unless you buy unnecessary items from petstores.

corns need at least 2 hides, one on the warm and cool end of their tank, these can be fancy bought ones or something as simple as a toliet roll tube or shoebox, it all depends on your preferances :)

And na snakes dont smell, just their poop is a little fishy!

Good luck with trying to convice you mum, im sure she will eventually be ok with it :)
hehe, she better be. she knows i look after things, cos ive got tropical fish and ive looked after them well, and a snake wont be as hard to look after as them. I will have to get her to read what you just sead Tula. Cant wait, i love snakes so much, so... peacefull lol
Snakes are glorious animals and you get sooo attached so easily. im away from home for a few days to visit family and i find myself phoning the hubby just to check on the snakes hahaha!!

Im so worried he will mess things up or something :)
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