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Hi. I'm cute. C:


everything under the sun.

I love him so much - this is one my of my goats; Ozzy. He's supposedly a BOER/PYGMY mix ... but he has the colors of a Nubian.


He's cuter than most dogs -
Awww he's adorable.

I miss my goats, I had 5 pygmy mixes but we had to get rid of them because we had a nasty neighbor who complained they were too loud(they made less noise then other neighbors' dogs).
Awww. I love the white leg!

I can't wait to get things straightened out so my famiy can get a house in the country and get some animals. We need a dairy goat. The little guy has a problem with cow milk. He's not lactose intolerant, he just can't drink cow milk over 1% milk fat. But goat milk, he has no problem with that. And I think it's yummy too. :)

Kachine Kolgon
That is so cool, Taxidermy. When I was a kid (no pun intended), my cousin had (just a plain) goat...that played hide and seek with us. Very smart.
Hmmmm....I wonder if they're house trainable....
He is adorable.
Our youngest has been begging us for a goat for a couple of years now. We have plenty of land and the ability to build a shelter for him. I don't know why we keep holding off other than the fact that I'm sure Mommy would end caring for this animal just like the 7 cats and 3 dogs that the kids "just had to have". We're still considering it because they really are very cute and intelligent little guys!
<3 they are very cute, and very curious - if you end up getting some goatS; goats ... because you can't have just one, alone. A lone goat, is an unhappy goat - but, two would be just fine. We have two - and they loooove people. They're pretty smart as well. If you get some, you'll end up loving them to pieces
Every year when we take him to the county fair, we have to literally drag him out of the goat barn and the Llama barn. Yep, he want's Llamas too! I think I can handle a couple of pygmies but I don't know about llamas too! Now, obviously these guys would have to live outside. Would you have to heat their enclosure or would they be okay as long as they had a shelter?