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hi, new here, looking to get a Corn


New member
Ive been doing alot of research and alot of reading which led me to my final decision to purchase and take care of a corn snake :cheers:

One problem. Im 20, still live at home and yet my parents (actually just my mom) says NO to snakes.

Ive tried everything I could think about to argue but its getting hopeless. :shrugs:
Unfortunatly you are at the mercy of your parents.
At first my parents said flat out no, then to telling me only when a lot of my pets had passed, then trying to fight me about all of the ligistics. They are going to get me let my snake now, even though they really don't want me too. I stayed persistant with out being annoying, casually bringing it up in conversations and there for showing them that I had researched it and had it well thought out.
Just be persistant, but not a nuisance, I'm sure they'll eventually see that you are committed to the idea and that this isn't just something on a whim :)
I know how this feels. My mom said no, too. So my friends are keeping my snake at their place until I move out. Good luck with everything. :cool:
My mother had said no to...the only reason I have one now is because I moved out and got my own place with my boyfriend...and even he said no at first..but when he saw how much I wanted one he said okay.. :0)
You need to find out the reason(s) your Mom is against your having a snake. Most reasons can be overcome with the right information and approach. The real tough one is an actual phobia about snakes. Another tough one is a history of not properly taking care of your pets. We can give you excellent information and "ammunition" against any other valid reason. Here's a start - Even small children can handle cornsnakes. Mine are 7 and 9 years old, but you can find photos of toddlers with cornsnakes on this forum.
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I'm kinda in the same boat as you Jon. My mom says flat out No. and Dad just goes along. But my dad thinks they are cool. I got him to hold a adult corn snake and it was very docile and he liked it and almost got him to hold a 10ft albino Burm. Its not the lack of research, Been reading here and every breeder I can finds care guides for months, Along with me already having the 20 long set up with 2 hides a water bowl, and a heat pad and lock with temps averaging 84-86 hot side 70-73 cool side. Also its not past not taking care of pets. I have a dog and Beardie that I take good care of. Beardies been sick for 3 months with parasites and finally passing, Just got the 3rd fecal done and hookworms are gone.

The two things is my mom has a snake phobia and the other my mom is making up saying she doesn't want frozen mice in the fridge with her food but I said Id use the basement fridge that is never used but is always on.

What I always do getting things my parents resist is show a long time intrest with it. Keep reminding them about it without being annoying as Cornynoob said. If it becomes annoying they wont even consider it. But be persistant. If they come up with a excuse explain to them why its not a problem, and can be solved. Also you could use the low maintenance concept and say she wont ever have to see it. It will be in your room.

Good luck.
My Mom said no to snakes at first too...she didn't like them and slightly afraid of them(not a phobia just a little afraid) but what won her over for me was letting her hold one...the one she held was my yellow rat snake Syfka(RIP) who was at my local herp shop...my mom fell instanly in love, then i showed her some info on caring for the snake and then a week later we bought Syfka.

So maybe you could show your mom some info on corns(like how docile and low maintence they are) and if your mom isn't deathly afraid of snake try to get her to hold one it worked on my mom...i now have 9 snakes!

what the others have posted is also true be persistent but not annoyingly so and bring it casualy into the conversation whenever possible.

I had a bunch of animals growing up and even bred gecko's for a bit but was never allowed to have a snake. my father didn't like them. so I moved out after college and got one, now i have 2 and 2 degu's, my dad's big issue is he hates it when pets get old and die. I had a rat that lived just over 3 years and passed then my sister's iguana, hamsters of course, then our 15 yr old tabby passed and it wrecked my dad. so i think that was it with him.
Dont give up hope:) I think all of us snake owners have gone through that. my mother hates snakes too. The first day i got my first baby corn snake, i walked up to her to show it to her, and she ran out of the house screaming lmao. Not a very smart move on my part. But shes used to it now, she knows how much i love them. Corn snakes are the easiest pet to care for in my opinion. You'll love it im sure. Tell her you'll keep it in your room at all times, and be careful not to let it loose, lol believe me it can be a pain in the butt looking for a pet snake. That persuaded my mom to let me get my first snake. i wish you the best of luck.:)
Keep on!

I wanted snakes from when I was a toddler. It took me about 10 years! But I won! Take her to your local petshop or breeder and get her to hold a small adult corn and show her some corn babies. She'll fall in love instantly!

Good Luck
Jcapicy you just named most of my favorites. ^_^

Like most have already said, it really is sort of a battle with the parents when you want to bring home your first snake. In my current situatioin, I'm also twenty and living at home (going to university full time, and job part time, so not a ton of money saved up yet to move out...), and my mom was in my room and saw my tank, and said, "What's that in there? You'd better not be getting a reptile or something..." but I'm fairly certain she knows I have a snake, though I doubt she's seen Toulouse yet as he's prone to hiding out of view until nighttime. :grin01: So it's sort of a suspicion with my mom, and my dad (who's deathly afraid of snakes) doesn't even know.

As was said before, be careful when you get your snake of letting it out of your sight. Mine tends to get lost in the pile of old stuffed animals on the spare bed in the room I let him out in for some exercise haha. Then it ends with me getting in a huff over finding Toulouse, and messing up all the stuffed animals and throwing them off the bed until I do find him. He seems to like fuzzy surfaces.
Still no luck. Birthday is coming up and I told her its all I want, so she said I guess you're not getting anything. Guess not!
Shame man! Wish I could say I feel your pain but I have never been in that situation... My mom was absolutely THRILLED when I asked her if i could get a snake! In fact, she bought my first snake for me for Christmas (in october! lol).

I would just keep on at her. Do alot of research, maybe take her to a snake park/pet shop/breeder in your area. Explain how easy they are to keep, how cheap they are to feed. Mom's always like to hear something is low maintenance just in case they end up looking after it! lol

I convinced a boy's mom to let him get a snake. She had a genuine phobia of snakes but now she even feeds it and watches it eat and stuff! lol So there is hope!
woodz61 said:
Keep on!

Take her to your local petshop or breeder and get her to hold a small adult corn and show her some corn babies. She'll fall in love instantly!

Good Luck

Same with me. My mum would not let me have a pet snake. Me and my dad took my mum to a pet shop and she said ok. At first she was scared but now she loves it and holds it nearly every day. You will get one soon mate.
I totally agree with the whole "take your mom to the pet store" idea. But if she's set in her ways, don't push the issue. Just do some research and leave subtle hints, like leaving a reptile magazine within view, or maybe even a care sheet. You might even wanna have some pics taken of you holding a snake, and frame it in your room.

If all else fails, get some friends to keep it at their house. That's what I'm actually doing till I move out. :crazy02:
i know how it feels. i have grew up with animals all my life. at first my mum said no to snakes but we eventually got one. i have lots of animals including horses, dogs, rabbits and parrots. :)

I just love your pic of the kids!! Gave me chills to see them. I can't wait til our little guy is big. I have a 4 almost 5yr. old & an almost 7yr. old & an 18mth old.
My issue is my DH does not want me having it in the house. He thinks it will get out & kill him.. LOL :rolleyes:
Do I do not have a parent but I do have a spouse who refuses to have it in the house. So I totally understand where you guys are coming from its hard. I wish he/they would get educated on them, they are wonderful animals!!

DS 6
DD 4
DD 18mths