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New member
Hello, my name is Amy and I am the proud new owner of a possible female (have no clue and it really doesnt matter, we however have decided to pretend she is female lol) corn snake. She is a rescue, I work for a pet store and she was brought in by her former owners because they did not have the time for her anymore. She was brought in on my day off but a fellow employee knew I had been looking for a corn snake for about 2 months and immediately put her on hold for me. I have only had her for a couple of days but have been lurking around the site for a little while.

Cherry is (from what I gather on research) fairly young maybe 1-2 years, she is about 2 1/2 ft long.
and I have no clue what color she is except that she is not (i think) a Normal Corn. She is a brighter orange than in the picture, but this is the best one I have of her at this point.

I am looking forward to getting to know everyone and getting the opportunity to learn from such a knowledgeable group of people~

Hi there and Welcome to the forum :D Happy to have you. Beautiful girl you have there. Looks like she might be a Hypo like my Chedda. (pics on my profile) Corns are wonderful, I went from 0 to 9 in 4 months lol they are ADDICTING just a warning ;D let us know if you have any questions, check out the Chat option on here too, it's great.
Hello & welcome! Very pretty corn! Might just be my monitor, but she looks like an Amber or Golddust to me. Congrats on the new addition! They are very addictive.