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hide schmide


New member
I love looking at pics of everyone's vivs, a whole lot of interesting hides. However, I feel like I could install the Ritz-Carlton or Buckingham Palace of hides, complete with all the amenities and a mint (or a mouse!) on the pillow, and my snake would totally ignore it. I have a cool hide and a warm hide (actually, I've tried several different ones on each side over a period of months) and they have yet to be used for hiding, ever! Nope, Leonard will bury in the substrate underneath the water dish every time. It doesn't matter *where* in the tank I actually put the dish (so I'm careful not to put it on a spot that gets too hot or too cold because of the UTH), he's always under there. Maybe I should hang a "vacancy" sign outside the hides! It's funny- some things he loves- branches and vines- some things he has absolutely nothing to do with. I think I have a bit of a snob here!
I have one corn whos only been in my possesion for about a week, but she too prefers to bury herself in the substrate rather than use a hide. Ive shown them to her and she'll slither in and out and back under the substrate. I figure if thats where shes comfortable for now, it doesnt bother me any - Im pretty sure shell come around in time.

My older corn goes back and forth. He really liked this large fake "bush" he has for a while, then he went to laying under the substrate, and now he lays in a hollowed out log. Every once and awhile hell venture to the top of the cage and lay around the edge of the tank.

Something to consider is that the water dish is generally the coolest part of the tank. I really notice my snakes that hide under the water dish during the summer months when it's hot. In fact, I have several tanks with water dishes (actually dog dishes) that the snake CAN get under just so they can keep cooler as they are not in an air conditioned room.

Just to be sure, I would use a reliable thermometer (digital?!) to make sure you have a reliable temperature gradient. Otherwise, don't worry about it. Including the water dish, there are 3 spots for all my corns to hide, and they can be found under any of the 3, or none of them, at any given time. They do need the options though when the need arises.

All five of our corns have hides in their habitats. Only about two of them ever use them though. Our largest and oldest is rarely out of her hide unless she's hungry or relieving herself. One of our yearlings is constantly in his hide too, but tends to get a little more foot traffic around his tank. The other three can't be found in their hides, or for that matter hiding anywhere in the tank. I guess they love the attention, but they're always out on the cool or warm side just watching the world go by.
Something to add - mostly they feel safest when they can feel the sides of the hide touching them, they especially like low 'ceilings'. I use upturned clay saucers now, and my once paper towel tunneller has been using hers exclusively :) A lot of the commercial hides are deep and don't do much for making the snake feel secure. She always prefered going underneath the paper towel substrate when in shed or when digesting a meal, the times she felt most vulnerable.
Alternative Hideout

I have two juveniles (Oct. '03). They have oodles of room (for now) in a 20L viv.
I provide a BIG water dish, a thin 'carpet', and two sizeable clumps of some Spanish Moss. That and an undertank heater, of course. And I recently added a branch for climbing and a small hidey-log. The branch is used often, but not once the hidey-log.
My snakes love to snooze under the moss. It must be 'just right'.
All my corns have hides, and I've noticed that the bigger ones, males especially, tend to move them about and not use them. They bury themselves, and seem to enjoy shoving everything in their cage about!

a "viv" is short for "vivarium" which means

vivarium - an indoor enclosure for keeping and raising living animals and plants and observing them under natural conditions
