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Hiding spots and tales from sneaky people!


Es Macht Nichts
So, I was in the pet store one day talking to the manager about getting an iguana. Somehow, we got to talking about how his dad didn't know he had snakes for years until he moved out. Maybe his dad just never entered his room, who knows?

I once caught a snake in my parents' back yard (let it go due to not knowing how to feed them) and my mother told me if I had a snake my grandmother would never talk to me again (not that she would ever need to know).

Anyway, I figured they make good stories and it would be a good thing to know for future reference. How did you or your friend hide snakes? How would you if you had to? Obviously those who breed them and have a lot would have a much harder time.
IMO it's wrong to hide a snake. Your parents will find out sometime. You have a smaller chance of keeping it if you hid it than if you just told them.
Besides, how will you provide mice, bedding, etc? How will you clean it's tank?

I come out to my parents about things, because I know I'll never be able to get away with it. They are much happier about talking it over than having to lecture me about why it's wrong to hide things. And it's easier for me, too, beacuse it shows I'm responsible enough to know I can handle it the adult way--the way that works.

Just my 2 cents.
I had an enormous cage full of pet rats hidden in my closet for over a year. :) They did get found out eventually, but it wasn't a terribly big deal.
LOL. I never had to hide anything,...but...my grandmother was tormented by the fact that I had snakes in my bedroom growing up, and regularly caught them. (What is "herping" now...was not that sophisticated with me in the 1970's. LOL.)
I miss her so much. She tried everything to try to get me to stop "messin' with snakes", from the Bible to downright bribery. I never accepted a dime, because even in 7th grade I did not see a future without snakes in my life.

My mom would hold calm rat snakes. And I'd catch her standing in my room watching them in their vivs. I have the coolest mom.

EDIT : "Anything" (in blue above) means critters.
Reading Violet's post again made me realize that over the years...there are some subjects that I have....let reveal themselves over time.
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I had an enormous cage full of pet rats hidden in my closet for over a year. :) They did get found out eventually, but it wasn't a terribly big deal.

Me too! I had a huge cage with 11 rats in my walk-in closet in my college apartment. I changed the lock on the closet door so no one could 'accidentally' come in.
Never got found over the 3 years I lived there!
Haha! There are some good ones!

IMO it's wrong to hide a snake. Your parents will find out sometime. You have a smaller chance of keeping it if you hid it than if you just told them.
Besides, how will you provide mice, bedding, etc? How will you clean it's tank? I come out to my parents about things, because I know I'll never be able to get away with it. They are much happier about talking it over than having to lecture me about why it's wrong to hide things. And it's easier for me, too, beacuse it shows I'm responsible enough to know I can handle it the adult way--the way that works.

Your parents may be that way, but mine are not. I'm in college and out on my own now and haven't been a teen for some time; I'm not hiding my snake from them. There's no way to convey the truth of my parents' attitudes towards things without sounding like some bitter teenager. Suffice it to say, some parents truly are hard to discuss things with, are unsupportive and will never respect their kids as adults. See? I sound like an angsty teen! If it helps lend me any credit, my married 32 year old sister still has these issues from time to time. In short, I think it's wise to try to have a healthy relationship and communication with one's family, but there are cases where that is much easier said than done.

But, this is getting off topic, so...

I once hid two mice in my closet from my mom for several months :p They were cute, one was a tan calico color and one was a broken black and white, very friendly, I loved them!

THen my mom found them and made me get rid of them :(
I've desperately wanted a snake since I was 5 years old. After being extremely dismayed that my parents would not let a 5 year old own a snake, I then proceeded to ask if we could maybe rent one for a little while instead? Seemed perfectly logical to me.
That story still gets told from time to time.
Anyways, I think I begged every year after that. They're not terribly scared of snakes or anything, they just didn't think I was serious about it I guess. Finally, for my 20th birthday, I just decided it was time. I waited until my little sister was at school and my mom was at work. My dad works at home so I had to strategically wait until those two were out of the house, and he was at the gym. Then I ran myself over to pick up my little guy and somehow snuck in a snake, 50 frozen mice, a 15 gallon viv, all of the fixings for it, and 4 bricks into my room.
About an hour after everyone got home, I told them I had a surprise and to please not scream :p

Could have gone a lot worse to be honest. Haha
I told my mom I was going to buy a snake. She said no. I bought a snake the next day. She doesn't mind now since I told her a corn snake wont eat me, but my grandma is always trying to convince me to get rid of him/kill him. She doesn't live with me, so I don't know why her opinion would ever matter. I think it's because she is super religious so she sees a snake as evil.
Never had to hide the snakes from the rents they were cool....now my hubby is just retarded and doesn't notice cages being stacked in racks here and there,lol