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High Summer Temperatures


New member
Well, it is starting to get really hot here. Right now the temperature peaking at 30 degrees C and my house is really warm! I am concerned about the temperature of my tanks. In my bedroom I have Crested Geckos and Corns.

Crested Gecko are supposed to be between 72 and 80 degrees F, and the tank is sitting at about 84 degrees F.
Corn Snakes are supposed to be between 75 and 85 degrees F, and the tank is sitting at about 86 degrees F.

I need to decrease the temeprature in my room, what can I do? I was thinkign of buying an oscillating fan, but would that help?
All fans do is increase ventilation around the room - they don't decrease temperature, but it just feels cooler to a human because it is not stagnant air.

Best thing to do is try and invest in some dark blinds or curtains, depending on temperature i'm not sure if opening the windows would help or not.
Lewb said:
All fans do is increase ventilation around the room - they don't decrease temperature, but it just feels cooler to a human because it is not stagnant air.

Best thing to do is try and invest in some dark blinds or curtains, depending on temperature i'm not sure if opening the windows would help or not.
Yeah, I was sure it wouldn't help. I do have pretty dark curtans as it is, but maybe I can throw a bed sheet over the rod and keep the sun out. My geckos would love that, they hate the light.
First, what are the temps in the tank?? Cool and warm sides.
Or is it the warm side at 86 degrees. :shrugs:
But anyway, moving the tank away from any windows and lowering it closer to the floor might help. Keeping curtains drawn might help too.

I had the same problems too but I finally moved the cages to the ground floor, split level house, and that seem to solved it.
Good Luck.
A fan doesn't actually cool the air, it simply moves it around, removing the humid air in the home and allow the drier cool air outside to enter which enables our sweat to evaporate more easily, cooling us down. If it's cool enough outside then a fan should help lower the temperature of the tanks, if it's not then you're best off getting some sort of AC which you can use to cool the room sufficiently.
I actually have a few solutions:

- dakrer curtains,
- turning my ceiling fan on a higher level,
- making sure the vents are not blocked,
- moving the tanks
I've noticed a huge difference in my room temps depending on how close to the floor the temp is taken. Maybe you can lower your tanks. Larger water bowls will allow more evaporative cooling.

I'm not totally sure if it works, but I've heard that having a fan blowing over a bowl of cold water can help? It may or may not, can't say I've tried it...anything worth a go though. Might have to watch the humidity...
I have a large sized water bowl in my Corn's tank, and I could probably through one in with the Geckos... suprisigly I told my parents and they are trying to help me too. They turned the AC on and then installed another small air conditioner in the living room to help cool the whole top floor. All of the little things together seem to be helping with the temps. The tanks are sitting around the 80 degree F mark now.
A final thing that would help if you find that your current measures aren't enough is to move the animals to the basement if you can. Basements are generally cooler then above ground floors.
They will all be fine where there are. I found out what the problem was. My parents have had the AC on for three days, but the temperature in our house has not dropped below 80. Something is obviously wrong with the AC, and my Mum called someone to have it fixed. Once that is done I will have perfect temps in the tanks and in the rest of my house!.
4 out of 5 of my snakes are upstairs in my master bedroom, most of us here in Western Washington don't bother with AC because it doesn't get that hot here. It gets really warm up there, so I have strait unplugged all the heat mats and my snakes are perfectly happy. I had the rare experience the other night of all 4 being visible, out and about in their vivs instead of burying thier selves under the substrate to keep warm. I was gleefull!

Corn snakes are extremely hardy snakes. I have had summer peaks at 35C.
I have also had winter lows at 6C.
I do not use heating pads or lights, my snakes are exposed to natural light,
temperatures and humidity.
One of my corns has been living in these conditions for 8 years with no
adverse effects visible.
