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hmmm, what to try next?


New member
So I posted about a week or so ago about my new corn who doesn't want to seem to eat. As suggested, I waited a week without bothering him much (just to change the water) to try and feed him again. I check the temps in his tank multiple times a day and they always seem to be between 75-85 and he's pretty active throughout the night. So last night I thawed a pinky and left him in a deli cup with the pinky in a dark closet and this is what i found in the morning. is this a regurge or does it look like the pinky was just over thawed and he kept pressing against it cause there is pinky juice all over the entire container! the severed part is also the back two legs of the pinky. Having just watched prometheus at the movies...i joked that this is what must have happened to the people on that planet! hahaha. anyways...i know corns can go a while without eating, so i'm not so so worried about him eating (at least not yet), but it's been about 2.5 weeks since he's last eaten. what should i try next? At what point do i try a live pinky?


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The horror... :eek:
LOL I think most snake people can deal with a deli pic that gross, it happens. Looks to me like your snake just didn't eat, though. I'm not sure why the pinky fell apart like that though. Maybe it already had a slice in it from being packaged that you didn't see. The pic is a bit dark, but pinkies usually do start to turn black if you leave them overnight and they don't get eaten. I'd throw in garbage and try again in a few days.
Many babies won't eat if they are close to their shedding time. I would also ask the person you bought him from what and how they were feeding the snake.
yuchh the fuzzies I bought from an expo do that, I've been turned off of ever buying mice from anyone other than my main mouse guy ever ever again...

But any way, I wouldn't try live just yet. Just give him another week or five days and try again. You can also try feeding him in the cage, just leave it in there on a plate or in that deli cup so that shavings don't get stuck on it.
That's exactly what my overnight pinks look like.

I'd try again in five days, in the deli, the pink HOT, and slit through the head and down the back, crosswise, about four slits. Cover him and leave him alone for two hours, no peeking. If he hasn't eaten, reheat and leave him in the cup overnight.

Is there a chance he is blue?
He really went to town with that thing, eh? You could also try putting him in a pillowcase with the pink. I've heard this works wonders. The tight space encourages them to eat.
I think the pinks just disintegrate from being crawled on, not from the hatchling attempting to eat it.
hey nanci! sorry to reply so late, as i just got back from vacation. as for being blue...not signs yet! wed goes on three weeks that he hasn't eaten and for the first time...he's starting to look like he's losing weight :(