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holding my snake properly

Corn Crib

Proud Snow Corn Owner
:) hey,
i was just wondering how i should properly hold my snake as a juvenile and as an adult, i dont know if there is a special way they like to be held. when it is an adult would it be alright to like wear it around my neck or is that a nono??

can anybody give me some good names for my corn, any name will do but i want it to be kinda creative. thank you.

corn crib:cool:
I am not a person in creating names....so can't help you with the names....
I number mine......since I have around 90 + snakes....it would be a bad idea for me to remember them all......and what's worse is to make up all of them...

handling snakes....
there is no real way to hold a snake.
Try to support them as much as possible. Hold their head and tail........in both hands......try not to let them drop.....that is basically it...