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Hoping for Dilute Pewter Tesseras


Old Guy
The last of my breedings is the one I wanted the most and didn't seem to want to happen. This is my Dilute Pewter girl and her son a Dilute blood het pewter.
Fingers crossed
I'm assuming he is a dilute blood tessera het pewter? I think I can barely make out a dorsal stripe on him. Anyways good luck! We have a dilute anery stripe. I love what the dilute does to the grey snakes.
I need dilute in my life. <3 Very cool pairing, hope you get lots of awesome dilute pewter tesseras! :)
I'm assuming he is a dilute blood tessera het pewter? I think I can barely make out a dorsal stripe on him. Anyways good luck! We have a dilute anery stripe. I love what the dilute does to the grey snakes.

Yes you are right, I forgot one of the important parts he is a tessera dilute blood het pewter.
Thank you