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hot people hot snake


New member
My heat and air pump is out : ( the temps for human and snake alike are running around 90. The repair person will be here sometime tomorrow. Do you think Darwin will be ok until tomorrow?
I'd put him in the coolest place in your house. Somewhere on the floor. Give him a big water bowl, big enough to get into, maybe with ice cubes in it. Maybe two water bowls, one with ice, one without. Try the bathtub or shower for a cool place.
Make sure he has a water bowl he can fit into and unplug his heat. Run a fan in his room, if you have one. I read that you can drape a damp towel over the fan too. Darwin should be fine, but you might not be so happy. ;)
Yeah I seem to be handling the temps worse than him lol. The part that makes me even more angry is I literally just set up his brand new 75 gallon viv. His thermometer is showing 88 so hopefully repairman makes it out bright and early. Everyone send me cold thoughts lol.
I had put 2 water bowls in his new viv one large and one small. I think until the air is fixed I will move him back to his 20 long in the bedroom. I have a small air unit a friend will be bringing over so @ least we can have 1 cool room until repairman gets here tomorrow. I had given him a little swim earlier to cool down. I really appreciate the advice. I really love reading all the posts and advice from all the experienced keepers to all us newbies : ) The only really bad thing about this sight is all the beautiful babies I want one of every color lol.
I think you'll be ok w/ the advice given :) Hopefully the repair guy comes early!
LOL start planning that snake room and racks now! 1 of every color/morph is at least 40... more like 50 I think
Did the repair man make it out there? We had a problem with our AC, had to run three fans in the 'animal' room and unplug heat pads. Put extra water EVERYWHERE and ice packs. It was awful ><. Anyway, everyone ok over there?
Well good news was he came bad news ws didn't have proper parts : ( my friend brought an air unit for my bedroom. The other really good thing was we got rain today so it cooled down a lot (thanks to all who sentt cool thoughts you guys did the rain dance lol) . His temps were actually running upper 70s low 80s. The quest cotinues for a proper repairman. This also led me to think about what to do if we get a snowstor and the power was out in winter.
I think it's easier to solve the "too cold" problem than the "too hot" problem. FedEx certified people ship with these wonderful heat packs & I plan to buy a big batch of them for winter.

Also, if it's just your power that's out, and you only have 1 snake, you pop him in a small plastic tub with holes & LEAVE. Last winter my plan was to go to a hotel if it happened, because I only had 3 snakes, and I was just going to nest 3 tubs, bag the snakes & drive until I found a room.

Edit: Does anyone here know whether the cool packs for shipping would work for summer heat & no AC? Because I could buy those too.
Betsey, I have those nice big medical ice packs. If you put the snakes in a cooler, cover with styrofoam, then one ice pack, that will stay 60F overnight. Probably a lot longer!! So for adults you'd need bags and either boxes or Sterilites to put the bags in. About three adult snakes, in bags, fit in one of my Sterilite feeding containers. In an emergency- six.
Nanci, that's very helpful. I can get the reusable cold packs for shipping insulin etc easily, and freeze them and then if the power goes away I can use those, I guess, to keep everybody cool. Thanks!
Yeah that is a great idea so far my temps today have been running normal because of the cooler temps today. The new repairman is coming out to take a look tomorrow so I am keeping my fingers crossed. My idea for winter was place him in a pillow case and then put him under covers with my myself and children enough body heat he would have to be taken out to cool off lol. I can just picture it me 2 children and a snake cuddled in bed : ). I hope tomorrow the air is back up and running or if not at least the temps stay in the 80s rather than mid to upper 90s.
I _really_ like those foam packs, if you can find them. They are about the size of a kind of long, a little bit thin, brick.