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How big size difference?


Straight from The Jungle!
How big size difference can 2 corns have, whos living in the same cage? I know that you can't give an exact answer. But maybe you could give me some input about what i should care about when housing different sized corns together.
Mowgli said:
How big size difference can 2 corns have, whos living in the same cage? I know that you can't give an exact answer. But maybe you could give me some input about what i should care about when housing different sized corns together.

My input about care used when housing two snakes together is:

Well, before I knew any better I put two corns together who were a full one year apart. One was a 1 yr old the other was a hatchling. A pretty big size difference. They grew up fine together and lived together for 8 years until after discovering this site and reading around I decided to separate them. I think that I just got lucky in my experience. I'd recommend not keeping them together though, regardless of any size difference or lack thereof.
I know that peopel have very different opinions about how to house snakes, but i wouldn't have guessed HOW different.
People i have spoken to told me that i with no problems, would be able to keep 5 corns together. With an apropriate sized cage ofcourse!

My 2 corns are living together, and have been doing it for aprox. a year now.. I never had a single problem with any of them.
Mowgli said:
People i have spoken to told me that i with no problems, would be able to keep 5 corns together. With an apropriate sized cage ofcourse!

Those people are idiots then. Of course you might not have a problem, but what happens if you do? How do you know which snakes has the problem? What if they eat each other? Nobody can tell you definitively that you will or won't have a problem.
I know people who have been keeping multiple pairs for over 15 years, (on this forum some of them) this is all opinion. once you keep two together for a while, and take them apart, they will actually act stressed, becasue they get accustomed to the other one being there, wether or not they "like" eachother's company, whatever, but they get used to eachother. I had a pair a while ago living together for around 4 years, seperated them, and neither of them would eat anymore. took them to the guy I get my corns from, and he said they were acting very stressed out. of course there is no way of him being able to know for sure, since he can't ask the snakes, but he is very good with them, and knowing how htey are feeling, just like the mods in here know there stuff. so whatever, no bashing, no screaming DONT DO IT. it's just whatever the keeper wants to do, there are risks, but if you do everything right, it will be fine (dont do this and blame me for problems, just telling you what I've encountered.)
Heh, well some things are not opinion but plain old facts:
1- corns not housed together will not eat each other.
2- corns not housed together will not get gravid at too young an age.
3- corns not housed together are much less likely to stress each other out.
4- corns not housed together are much less likely to transmit diseases to each other.

Just some food for thought.

Oh, also, in response to this "if you do everything right, it will be fine":
If by "do everything right" you mean "house them separately" then, yes. :santa: