I know people who have been keeping multiple pairs for over 15 years, (on this forum some of them) this is all opinion. once you keep two together for a while, and take them apart, they will actually act stressed, becasue they get accustomed to the other one being there, wether or not they "like" eachother's company, whatever, but they get used to eachother. I had a pair a while ago living together for around 4 years, seperated them, and neither of them would eat anymore. took them to the guy I get my corns from, and he said they were acting very stressed out. of course there is no way of him being able to know for sure, since he can't ask the snakes, but he is very good with them, and knowing how htey are feeling, just like the mods in here know there stuff. so whatever, no bashing, no screaming DONT DO IT. it's just whatever the keeper wants to do, there are risks, but if you do everything right, it will be fine (dont do this and blame me for problems, just telling you what I've encountered.)