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How do I....


Crazy for Corns Member
K, I know that this was answered in the last thread but how do I change that little member discription? When I go to USER CP and then EDIT whatever I don't see an option to change it. Did Rich disable that or is it just me???

Well, at least I figured out the little picture thingy! Lol.
I don't think you can change it until after you post 30 times and get to the member status, but I've been trying to figure that out myself, so I may be completely off.

Peter :D
Ohhhhhh, ok then!

Well, I'm halfway there! Finally got my first corn this week so maybe I'll have more to post about now!!!
I get in the following way:

Hit User CP button at the top, then hit Edit Profile button.

Scroll down below signature area and below birthday area and I see a box with the following:

On the left---

Custom User Text:
This is the title that appears beneath your name on your posts.
You may enter up to 25 characters.
Check the reset box if you wish to use the the default title for your usergroup and post count.
HTML is not allowed.

On the right--

Current title: Newbie Member

New Title: (Type your new title here)

Works for me, hope it works for you.
It doesn't work for me, that's the problem....

No, it doesn't work for me unfortunately. I can't see any of that. I guess I'll have to wait till I hit the 30 posts mark and see what happens! Thanks to everyone that tried to help! :)
See, this is just one more post on the countdown to 30!!!
(hand raised) i know, i know, pick me..

rich set it up so that you cannot change it until you have been a member for 30 days.... :) ---jim
WEEHOO, I get to change mine tomorrow!!! If you change it, does it reset when you hit the next posting level?
