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how do one choose a corn?


New member
Hi all ....Xmas is commin and its time to buy a corn for myself.....watever excuse will do...hahahah...anyway this will be my very first corn and i'm a bit worried in choosing one that is unhealthy or watever.
any advice on the things i should be lookin out for???
thanks in advance.....
I say good choice that you have made there. A corn snake is something that you will never regret in getting. Such nice temperment, looks, and what the best thing about them is that they never bark.....(I just hate it when my dog barks.....)

Anyway back to your question.
What things you should look out in a healthy corn snake. (I am assuming that you are going to a pet shop or breeder to get this.) (Oh yeah a side note for you....getting it from a breeder is much cheaper and you'll get better and healthier snake)

What to look for:
1) Is the snake active? Good you'll want a snake that is active and very alert. Try waving your fingers in front of it and see if it sees you....(wave too much and it might bite...cause it doesn't know what you are doing....lol but it doesn't hurt at all)
2) Skin wrinkley? If so, then it's either dehydrated or not eating properly
3) Running/Musking Nose? You wont want that. It might have some baterial infection in it's mouth, mouth rot or something like that
4) Sound of wheezing (when breathing)? Not healthy! It might have a repitory infection
5) Mites? Of course not. You don't want your pet or yourself to have mites running around the house. (These you'll have to look carefully...some of these mites go under the snake's scales...and they are usally the size of this dot ( . ) So make sure that you look carefully.
6) Is the snake feeding? This you can ask the store or breeder to feed it infront of you to see if it eats. If the store/breeder says that it ate a few days ago, try and come back in a few days later and see if it eats by itself (as in not force fed)
7) Ask the store/breeder if there are any live guarentee and for how long. (this way you can bring the snake back and get your money back if there are any problems at all)

These are just some of the things that you can do and ask before purchasing the snake.

There is a book called "The Corn Snake Manual" by Bill and Kathy Love. This book is a must have kind of book. It has tons of information and tells you what you want to know about getting a healthy snake. It also has a lot of morphs for you to choose from and photos of the actual snake so that you can get a good idea of what the morph looks like. A highly recommanded book.

My little advice is to get a snake from a well known breeder, since this is cheaper and that you'll know that the snake is surely healthy. Also a lot of them have gurantees....

If you are in the US here is a little list of people that is very reliable and have tons of great looking snakes (not in any order):
1) www.corn-utopia.com (Bill and Kathy Loves' site)
2) www.gherps.com (Rob, worked with Bill and Kathy Love before)
3) www.cornsnakes.net (Don Solderburg, nice variety of snakes, very nice guy and tons of great looking corn snakes)
4) www.serpenco.com (Rich Zuchowski, the founder of this site and has made up various morphs in the corn snake world. Tons of great looking snakes and real quality snakes~~)

There are tons more in the US just go to www.kingsnake.com and then go to the classifieds and under colorbrids, there will be much more corn snakes for sale

If you are in Canada (I only know a few...lol)
1) www.cornsnake.ca (Victor Freeman)
2) I myself...LOL...but no web site yet....in the process of making one
or just go to www.kingsnake.ca and also under classifieds and look for the snakes for sale.

Others....I really dont know where to get snakes from...LOL

Anyway hope this helped.

Good Luck and Happy Herping~
thanx for the informative reply.....unfortunately i have only limited avenues when it comes to getting the corn...i live in a country where keepin snakes are not popular at all.... so i'm left wif only one guy after searchin around for so long..... as for those in the US or canada.....they decline to send the snakes out due to the costs and legal issues....(not sure if it is legal or not)

to make matters worse i ahve to get most enclosure custom made as these are pretty hard to come by.......
mebbe i should just go US or canada for a holiday one of these days and bring one home in my pocket or something...hehehehhe

just out of curiousity, what country are you from?

Do they sell fish there? because all you need is an aquarium or for hatchlings all you need is a tupperware shoebox. I'm sure they must sell those where ever you are.

It's expensive to ship out of country because there are many legal restrictions regarding live animal exports. They have to be checked by vets and there's tarrifs on them. It's a freaking disaster to deal with.
yes they have fish and stuff here.....but things like lids,heating equipment, feed,substrate....etc etc.....
anyone in this group from singapore?????
pls help thanx all.......
You can order stuff like that online. just do a seach for Reptile supplies or the particular item you're looking for.

OR you could ask for good sites for retile equipment online from people here on the forum.

Buying online would be cheaper than getting a custom made aquarium.

Hope this helps a bit!
Our first baby died so here is what I learned. I did lots of research first, that is important. Get the snake set up done before you get it so you aren't making changes when the snake is adjusting to new surroundings. We made few mistakes but the ones we made could have caused us the hardship of the first loss. First, don't get from a pet store. We did, and the people that normally work there are college students who don't really know that much. Secondly, where ever you buy it, first go on feeding day and make sure that it is eating well before you buy. We didn't do this, I should have. If you can't do this. Ask them what they are eating and when it last ate. Has it had any health problems, etc. I wish I had gotten our first one from one of the reputable breeders instead of a pet shop.