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How do you feel about God.

Well, this is what I meant to say; they use it to cope with life in hard times. Maybe 'need' is not the right word to use in your case, but you do 'use' your faith to help you through difficult stuff, right?

Actually, I don't think I do.

I do think it is interesting that you say my observation that you need your belief disturbs you. Why do you want to make clear yo do not need your belief?

I don't care if I look like I'm dependent on faith or not; I'm just stating that fact. What other people think about my personal belief does not matter to me; I'm just telling you how I, myself, feel. FWIW.

You do not want to look like you are dependant on it because......? I'm truly interested in that because I thought to have figured out that many Christian people on here really choose to believe because it was the best option for them to cope with bad stuff in life. Why would it disturb them if they were said to need their belief than?

By the way, why can their not be an afterlife without the existence of a God?

Well- maybe there could be! I guess I'll be finding out when I'm 101, according to Facebook. That sounds flippant, but really- it either is or it isn't, and someday we will all know, and until then, there really isn't anything we can do about it.
Thing is the origins of most religions seem to be a fairly similar concept, its just that as the years go on, and they get new religious leaders they try to twist and warp the religion to include their own views.

For instance the whole "no gays" thing doesn't really become explicity bad in christianity until I believe st pauls letters to the romans, one of the biblical sections added after the bible was originally written.

I mean really if you look at the old testament laws they're basically a stricter way of saying the same thing. Don't cheat, don't steal, don't be rude to your elders. Its just the same concept written in a different way.

The one thing I find most hilarious though is when you have the street preachers trying to convert you to christianity though. I just recite the matthew 6-5

"And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full."

It's one of the quicker ways to shut them up which I've found works a lot of the time, and when it doesn't I just kinda shrug and walk off. If they don't accept the teachings of their own religious texts then there's no way I'll get through to them

I actually used to be a pretty hardcore bible thumper, went to a CofE school, served in church for about 5 years. Then I read through the bible and decided too much of it contradicted itself. I took the parts I believed were right about it and ignored the contradictions.

Went atheist for a while but I still couldn't really say "there's no god" because there are too many questions

Then moved on to being agnostic, and now I believe as I do now. There may have, in the past, been some kind of supreme being which set up the world. Y'know made sure the sun was an an appropriate distance so on so forth, but after that the world was left to grow on its own. Each of us exists in our own bubble, so long as we don't affect other people, and let others affect our bubbles things are just peachy.

If somebody wants to debate my view on religion go them, likewise the other way around. I also tend to say that if you're offended by my opinion then remember, its an opinion if you don't like it ignore it.
I find it interesting that how logic in one persons mind is not the same as logic in another persons mind.
Someone could "logically" state that the sky is not blue, but in fact pink. And sound very convincing.
I state things that are logical to me, and may not be logical to you, does that make my opinions or beliefs any less real or important than yours? (not directed to any one person)
I find it interesting how so many people can logically state things that are against God, and when they are countered with equally logical responses contrary to what they are saying things get offensive.

I personally do not care what anyone thinks about my beliefs. In fact, I can use the same statement I saw a few pages back. "I have seen and done far to many things in my life to (not) believe in God."
God is love IMO...I can't deny it took a trillion chance occurrences for me to wake up this morning so in my heart I am very thankful to God. How people see the word God (to me anyways) is irrelevant though. It's just a word that has been exploited to crown a king of the beliefs we create...If you recognize that you are the smallest piece in a much larger puzzle than you acknowledge God, regardless of what you call it. Muslim, Christian, Agnostic, Atheist, etc. Those are beliefs and have no fundamental truth...The truth is only in recognizing that these are simply roles and that if we change our circumstance we can be any one of them at any time...Quote: "It is my destiny to play an infinity of roles, but I am not the roles I am playing". Forget what titles you carry and just be yourself. If 6 billion lives didn't have purpose than their would be only one person and that person would only play one role...Not 6 billion.
Did anybody else catch the Broncos game? I'm this close |-----| to believing...

Although Tebow's passing yardage was 316, despite what you may have read on Facebook, the refs were not named Matthew, Mark Luke and John! ;-)
I find it interesting that how logic in one persons mind is not the same as logic in another persons mind.
Someone could "logically" state that the sky is not blue, but in fact pink. And sound very convincing.
I state things that are logical to me, and may not be logical to you, does that make my opinions or beliefs any less real or important than yours? (not directed to any one person)
I find it interesting how so many people can logically state things that are against God, and when they are countered with equally logical responses contrary to what they are saying things get offensive.

I personally do not care what anyone thinks about my beliefs. In fact, I can use the same statement I saw a few pages back. "I have seen and done far to many things in my life to (not) believe in God."

This analysis of logic isn't really accurate. Logic is something that can be universally applied. For example, someone could use logic to say that 2 + 2 = 5, but that doesn't mean their logic is accurate, or true, or even reasonable. Opinions can be logical, but logic is not an opinion. It's objective.

Human beings are notoriously illogical and, when it comes down to it, faith is illogical. This is one of the qualities of faith that makes it significant - that it is belief despite a lack of evidence. If faith was logical, it wouldn't be a test and there would be no significance to it.

Most everyone is in agreement that 2 + 2 = 4. That is logical. Most everyone is in disagreement about the nature of god because it is not logical. This is okay and is not a criticism of faith or belief. I just want to clear up that opinions aren't necessarily logical.
That's why it is called General Chit Chat, lol!

All of the other sub forums are for herp related discussions, in one form or another (except maybe some member forums). But the description of this one says:

General Chit-Chat Forum Discussion about general topics that are really off topic concerning corn snakes, or just about any old chit at all.

You might prefer:

Miscellaneous Corn Snake Discussions This is a "none of the above" forum. All posts should still be related to cornsnakes in one form or another, but some slight off topic posting is fine.
This analysis of logic isn't really accurate. Logic is something that can be universally applied. For example, someone could use logic to say that 2 + 2 = 5, but that doesn't mean their logic is accurate, or true, or even reasonable. Opinions can be logical, but logic is not an opinion. It's objective.

Human beings are notoriously illogical and, when it comes down to it, faith is illogical. This is one of the qualities of faith that makes it significant - that it is belief despite a lack of evidence. If faith was logical, it wouldn't be a test and there would be no significance to it.

Most everyone is in agreement that 2 + 2 = 4. That is logical. Most everyone is in disagreement about the nature of god because it is not logical. This is okay and is not a criticism of faith or belief. I just want to clear up that opinions aren't necessarily logical.

True, and I can understand any opinion based on logic but I have trouble understanding people having strong opinions on stuff or who choose to belief things without a certain logic, for me it is unnatural to have an opinion or belief something without logic to ground it or a reason to assume it is right (like trusting the knowledge of someone else). Only matters of taste can hardly be discussed objectively, though I can explain why I like certain types of music. But why I like screaming guitars and others don't, I don't know. But when we are talking about if there is a God or not, most people do not believe there is because of sound logic, as mentioned before. This also is the reason why many believers cannot be convinced by logic I learned.
There is absolutely no 'sound logic' either way - whether there is or is not. We, as a species, are not intelligent enough to make that statement.
"There is absolutely no 'sound logic' either way - whether there is or is not. We, as a species, are not intelligent enough to make that statement."

I agree. That's why the only logical choice for me - at this time - is to be agnostic, and wait for more information - whether in this lifetime or another! But I will remain open to, and sometimes actively seek, more information during my lifetime so that I might be swayed one way or the other. That seems to be the best I can do with the abilities that God (if there is one) gave to me.
I think someone on here earlier tried to compare believing in unicorns to believing in God.
Apples and oranges.
No one can say that a unicorn doesn't exist on another planet within another arm of our galaxy with gravity 1.8 x ours, purple trees and blue grass.
What I'm getting at is that narrowing down what exists in a finite location (our planet) when almost all areas have been thoroughly explored and we are crawling its surface like bacteria is a totally different concept then what we believe does or does not exists on the metaphysical plane (esotericism).

IMHO: People want to think they know the answers, but when you can step back, admit and realize that you actually don't is when you'll make progress. We are all guilty of close mindedness.
There is absolutely no 'sound logic' either way - whether there is or is not. We, as a species, are not intelligent enough to make that statement.

That's true, and that's why the god debate is an interesting one that, really, has no resolution.

I describe myself as an atheist because of a logical approach to terms, which also means I don't think agnosticism is a real thing, but more of a term that people use to separate themselves from more aggressive atheism.


Athiesm, n.
1. the doctrine or belief that there is no God.
2. disbelief in the existence of a supreme being or beings.

That second one is the default state and describes me pretty well. I don't believe in any god. When people say they are agnostic, they say "I don't know if there is a god or not." Okay, then that second definition applies to you, too. I mean, re: the unicorns thing, you can't prove a negative so I guess I don't know if unicorns exist or not either, but I'm not going to adjust my language to make room for their existence. I simply assume they don't because I have not been presented with any evidence that they do. This is the same approach I take to belief in a god.

Some atheists are aggressive about their lack of belief such that they make it a positive claim, but this isn't necessary to be an atheist. If you don't know, then you don't believe. That's atheism.
I'd like to think that there are floating blue talking, intelligent elephants that live in a world of methane rain on planet zëgruffpruìntary debating over whether upright talking hairless intelligent beings (who can handle living in extreme temperatures of 80-90 degrees F) can exist somewhere in a galaxy far far away. Most likely, it's improbable (in their minds ;) ).