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How do you feel about God.

Outcast, do you feel my post about logic was an attack on your faith? I just want to make sure I understand what you're saying before I respond and I'm not sure.
This is logic in a nutshell: The world has too many people and not enough resources. I'm a person therefore I am a part of the problem. I would provide more good to the earth if I didn't exist as would about 5 and a half billion others...Since I've seen no face in the clouds who's told me otherwise I think logically I should exercise my logic onto myself and others to do what's healthiest for our only currently known host planet by destroying a vast majority of humanity.

Clearly logic hits a moral and ethical wall very quickly...Belief (to some degree) is in effect with everybody who chooses not to sit this life out for the good of the team. IMO, this is the beauty in spirituality and in wisdom. The humility you yourself are utterly expendable, but that a force greater than you chose to give you life. Not by accident, because you don't know you won't live again. A wise person would see all this and realize how fortunate life itself is. They would humble themselves to know they are the created and not the creator...Knowing that they would dedicate themselves to one thing and that's to discover and gain knowledge of the entire depth of life and the force that brought it into existence. Like what makes a good life?, how do you live it?, how do we delegate our love and other human emotions?, were we created with purpose?, what purpose?, what are the conditions to this life and if the world is endless what are the conditions to the next one?. Important stuff for anyone who recognizes the impermanence of a strictly physical existence. Acknowledge the spirit and you gain a soul, acknowledge the brain and you gain wisdom, acknowledge the body and you achieve health. It's a extension of belief in one way or another..."What you think, therefore you will become". On some level very logical, on some not so much. Still, it seems to me that the spiritual component of life is vital to anyone who appreciates all that being alive means and if it's through God that we find that than to me that's a brilliant use of the mind...#Logical.
Nova_C, I do not find it as an attack on my faith, but there are some who might take it that way.
I learned early on how to place myself in other people's shoes, and many times it works to my advantage while trying to explain things, though there are some times where I cannot get a point across.

I have done some thinking on logic as applied to faith in a higher power, and I agree. It is illogical to a logical person to belief in an all knowing all seeing being who created everything in the universe with a plan for each and every bit of it.
In some ways I am still in the "I was raised with this belief so I am keeping it, in other ways I feel as though I have had confirmation in my faith and am proud to keep believing in God. It is all about how one interprets events in ones life. I do not see things that happen just by an off chance, I see things that have happened in order to make me who I am today. And, I am at peace with my faith.
This is logic in a nutshell: The world has too many people and not enough resources. I'm a person therefore I am a part of the problem.

Therefore, logically, I should do what I can to minimize my impact, recycle, walk, and be in favor of contraception. People should be encouraged to have fewer children. Science should receive increases in funding so we can find ways to support ourselves without stripping our planet, and maybe even move on to other planets.

There. Fixed it for you.
Six great reasons to believe in God

1. If you don't believe in a loving and caring creator he will send you to hell for ever and ever and ever...because he loves you so much....so do his bidding OR ELSE!

2. He will kill your first born children

3. He won't answer the prayers of MILLIONS who pray that 25,000 children a day will not starve to death but if you believe in him and pray real hard he may help your football team win.

4. He will keep you ignorant, unaware and free of that evil stuff known as knowledge....after all, it was eating from that evil tree of knowledge that started all our problems...right? And we all know how bad knowledge is....to much of it and we may just become aware there is no God....and then we would all have to start acting like THINKING adults instead of brain washed robots.

5. With God you do not have to be responsible for your actions.....when you do something naughty (like kill other humans in war) you can just call it a "Holy war" and say it's the will of God (or the work of God's nemesis...that crazy angel with the mental disease we call Satan...for every hero there is a villain..or the story would not be a very good one.) How nice and tidy it is to be one with the Lord, don't you think?

6. No need to go to school. What's the point in learning physics, geology, biology, chemistry etc when all the answers are right there in the good book? God made the universe in seven days, Adam from dust and Eve from his rib...that makes sense right? And it's all you will ever need to know in life.

So be good little boys and girls..go to church and give them your money so we can keep the God train rolling generation after generation.
1. If you don't believe in a loving and caring creator he will send you to hell for ever and ever and ever...because he loves you so much....so do his bidding OR ELSE!

2. He will kill your first born children

3. He won't answer the prayers of MILLIONS who pray that 25,000 children a day will not starve to death but if you believe in him and pray real hard he may help your football team win.

4. He will keep you ignorant, unaware and free of that evil stuff known as knowledge....after all, it was eating from that evil tree of knowledge that started all our problems...right? And we all know how bad knowledge is....to much of it and we may just become aware there is no God....and then we would all have to start acting like THINKING adults instead of brain washed robots.

5. With God you do not have to be responsible for your actions.....when you do something naughty (like kill other humans in war) you can just call it a "Holy war" and say it's the will of God (or the work of God's nemesis...that crazy angel with the mental disease we call Satan...for every hero there is a villain..or the story would not be a very good one.) How nice and tidy it is to be one with the Lord, don't you think?

6. No need to go to school. What's the point in learning physics, geology, biology, chemistry etc when all the answers are right there in the good book? God made the universe in seven days, Adam from dust and Eve from his rib...that makes sense right? And it's all you will ever need to know in life.

So be good little boys and girls..go to church and give them your money so we can keep the God train rolling generation after generation.

It is comments like this that cause angry words to be dished out. The only reason you posted this was to start a flame war, at least that is how it feels.

Which brings the whole thing to my initial point. People like you say things like this, when people in the extremes of Christianity claim you are going to hell. It is a never ending cycle of anger towards each other because neither side (in general) is mature enough to post their thoughts in a way that is respectful to the other group.
So far most people in this thread can!

That is why I posted
(in general)
in my response.

In fact I have been extremely pleased with how people have been treating each other in this thread. It is very hard to have a discussion on religion or politics that doesn't get emotionally heated and peoples feelings get hurt... Though it usually only takes one comment to throw it all out of whack.
We have had some less respectfull posts but they were mostly ignored or just commented content wise, we'd be proud of ourselves :)
There are more than 20 major religions today, having that said- even if one religion IS right- which is more than unlikely because anything we have is man made and thought of by man and recorded by man, the rest are not true and invalid. That thought alone led me to never believe in a god. I do not need the promise of Heaven or the imposing picture of Hell to know the true merit of good deeds and treating others rightfully. There is no tangible effect of any God that people believe in. I think its unfortunate that kids are brought into the religion of their parents, without giving the children their own choice to choose what views they will have. If a child was born here, it would be Catholic for example (idk) or if it was born in India it would be Hindu- etc. As said by Dave Matthews in the song Eh Hee..."Strange evolution when people have come to believe that we are its greatest illusion when really we're just a collection of cells overrating themselves." We are but another life form that exists only because we wouldnt unless we were perfect. If i am going to be worshipping anything it will not be a person- it will be the Sun and this beautiful world we live in! :cool: just my view, knowing that we could go back and forth all day but everyones opinion is their own and doesn't affect me. :twohammer
There are more than 20 major religions today, having that said- even if one religion IS right- which is more than unlikely because anything we have is man made and thought of by man and recorded by man, the rest are not true and invalid.

I am going to have to agree with the point that I got from this statement. For any one person to believe that their religion is the only correct belief system just seems wrong to me.
In fact, I love to learn more about other religions. I was brought up as Pentecostal, but I deviate from their beliefs because it does not make sense to me. Why does God care if I wear short sleeves?
I personally believe that there are many different beliefs that are correct out there, in fact no one can say that their religion is perfect because you are right, they are all man made. Nothing made by man is perfect, but I do believe that there is some truth behind many, if not all of the world belief systems. Even if it is only true for those who believe that way.
That is why I posted in my response...In fact I have been extremely pleased with how people have been treating each other in this thread. It is very hard to have a discussion on religion or politics that doesn't get emotionally heated and peoples feelings get hurt... Though it usually only takes one comment to throw it all out of whack.
Agreed!...I was actually watching this interview with a Muslim man (Sheik Khalid Yassin) and he was talking about exactly why that is. His point was that if you asked the average person what they think of a sports team they start up immediately and talk for minutes on end, but if you ask them the meaning of life they shut-down. His conclusion was that it's not something people really consider, which in a way is unhealthy. That's why when people say talking about God is a bad idea I disagree. It's great imo, because you think about something in a new way. Religion isn't (or shouldn't be) about being right, it's about finding a deeper meaning to life. God is at the root of that so why not talk about it?. Even if you leave with your beliefs on the issue exactly the same at least you can see humanity in the people you disagree with. That's the most important thing...Unification.

As for Anery's post, it's whatever...I think people only characterize things, because that way you can just write it off as silly or unimportant. Overall it's the only thing I've read that's even been close to foul which for a topic like this is really good!
Excellent points, Ricky and Outcast!

IMHO, people should often question their own beliefs when presented with new input from other people. Then they can either modify their own view, or feel even more secure in their own belief. As somebody else said earlier, if one is secure in their faith, it should easily withstand a few questions now and then.

And I am really glad that most here have treated the subject in a serious and respectful way. Even if I agree with some of the points made by those who didn't, I feel that posting with a lack of sensitivity and respect will certainly not persuade anyone that I have an important point to make, or is likely to convince anyone of my perspective. It is entirely possible to be honest about feelings or viewpoints, yet still considerate. So keep in mind that it is in one's own best interest to use respect in a debate such as this.
Finding this thread somewhat amusing... and found this quote from President Lincoln fitting.
The noble Lincoln replied: "Sir, my concern is not whether God is on our side. My great concern is to be on God's side. For God is always right!"

"How we feel about God" is not the question... it would be "How does God feel about you?"
But that then asks the question: "Is God something that I care about how it feels about me?"

For me, asking how God feels about me is like asking how animal abusers feel about me due to my working in a veterinary hospital. Their opinion of me does not matter to me in the slightest. The deity I read of in the bible is NOT something about which I care, would ever revere, or consider even 'good'.

Why would I care how a deity who removes free will feels about me?
Why would I care how a deity who commands the murder of all inhabitants of a city, including infants, feels about me?
Why would I care how a deity who would murder a mans family on a whim feels about me?
Why would I care how a deity who could create something like Hell feels about me?
The one problem i have with this whole religion, bible thing is this.

Some people say that the bible is to be taken literally and others say that it is all in the way you interpret it.

So, if the bible is to be taken literally then all the stories in it are completely and irrefutably true. Such as the great flood, sampson with super human strength, talking bushes and snakes, lazarus being raised from the dead after 3 days, the world being created in 7 days, and eve being created from a mans rib. Not to mention the countless other stories.

Now, on the other hand, the bible is to be interpreted. So all these stories are open to human examination, and also human error. Not to mention the fact that humans wrote all these stories. They are no longer irrefutable truths, now they are matters of opinion. And opinions are not truth. They are just one persons idea of the truth.

Either these things happened or they didn't happen. Thats the truth of it. A simple yes or no. The stories are completely outlandish, and have no scientific basis. The afore mentioned stories cannot happen. Simple chemistry and physics will show you that. The world cannot flood to the height of Mt. Everest. People that have been dead for three days cannot be revived, bushes and snakes can't talk, and u can't make a woman out of a guys rib. Plain, simple fact. What is so hard about this?

I worry not about my soul because i do not have one. I worry not about eternity because there is none. And i worry not about god, because if he was real then he would not have let his most precious creation fall into the state that mankind finds itself in now.
Well living where I do, people look at me like I'm a Satanist if they find out my beliefs. I'm one of those heathens! A lowly barbaric pagan that needs to be burned at the stake! All I can do is sigh and roll my eyes...

I was raised in a Christian family. My biological mother is Wiccan and I had no idea. So when I decided to be a Wiccan and told her and she told me she was too it was really neat! But I have strayed from Wicca also and landed on the path of Druidry. Now Druidry isn't a religion so to speak but a spirituality. Meaning it's not an organized religion.

Now my thoughts on God. This is the reason I turned from Wicca and all it's many Gods and Goddess'. I am not sure if there is a God. But I believe in the Spirit of life and it is in everything and everyone. Be this God? I do not know. Maybe. Anyway those are my thoughts.
Well living where I do, people look at me like I'm a Satanist if they find out my beliefs. I'm one of those heathens! A lowly barbaric pagan that needs to be burned at the stake! All I can do is sigh and roll my eyes...

I was raised in a Christian family. My biological mother is Wiccan and I had no idea. So when I decided to be a Wiccan and told her and she told me she was too it was really neat! But I have strayed from Wicca also and landed on the path of Druidry. Now Druidry isn't a religion so to speak but a spirituality. Meaning it's not an organized religion.

Now my thoughts on God. This is the reason I turned from Wicca and all it's many Gods and Goddess'. I am not sure if there is a God. But I believe in the Spirit of life and it is in everything and everyone. Be this God? I do not know. Maybe. Anyway those are my thoughts.

You and I are very alike!
I don't consider it o much how does God feel about me, as how do I feel about me.

Whether or not you believe in god, that's what it comes down to. Some people enjoy church, or mosque... time... I need to do more research on islam.

The point is, the people who say they are trying to please God do so because it also pleases them, the same way charity workers go out and rescue animals, if it didn't give them the warm fuzzies at the end of the day they likely wouldn't do it for long. And if they did keep doing it they'd be miserable.

You always end up doing something you enjoy doing. For some people its believing in God, or Allah, or Buddah etc etc. For others it's lying on the couch eating doritos.

On the topic of discussing religion, I love religious discussion just to see how some people react to the beliefs of others. Its a discussion, but some people in these topics see it as a chance to try and convert people to their way of thinking. I don't get that, mostly because its these people who get confused when you start questioning why they're religious.

If you can't take a few questions here and there and give sensible answers then it seems to me you don't take your own religion seriously.