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how dows he look


New member
Hi all stewie turned 1 last month he weighs just over 100g. Do you think he looks ok for a snake his age? Thanks in advance :)



Very pretty normal :). My snakes at one year old are generally not 100 gms, but that doesn't mean yours is overweight or mine are under. All snakes grow at varying rates; two unrelated corns fed exactly the same can vary wildly in weight at a year, two, three etc. The question should be "does my snake look healthy?" Bigger pictures would help also ;) If anything I'd say he's a bit "pudgy" at the back end, but he could just be getting ready to offload lolz...
Thankyou for reply these pics were taken a couple of days after he was fed so he probes is ready to "offload" lol I will try to get some better pics tonite.
Hi, my butter is around 18 months and he just weighed in at 130g. As long as they get plenty of exercise and have good muscle tone don't worry. A good way I was told to measure muscle tone was this; hold the snake around 2/3 of the way down their body and let them hang, if they can get themselves back up to your hand then they have good muscle tone! If they can't then more treadmill needed! Very handsome boy by the way!
He is pretty strong he can get back up if he hangs from my hand from his tail . And he isn't round he has the loaf of bread shape . I always thought he was small for his age due to feeding problems when he was younger, now I'm worried he may be a little fat. Does anyone have pics of similar aged snakes they could post.
Stewie looks good to me! His head looks in proportion. When babies are overfed they get a tiny-head look, to me he looks just fine
Here's a month old picture of my 14 month old (so 13 months in this picture). She's 100 grams now, so a little less in the picture.


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