in reference to weebonilas . if your snake isn't growing at pace that you think is healthy or natural, then i would suggest an appetite stimulant of maybe even a simple trip to the vet for a more thurough examination or even a simple diagnosis.but i would probably check the cage temp. and make sure it's at a good enough themal range for your corn to digest at a "better" pace to promote more digestion and to raise your corn's metabolism ,or to actually try and suppliment vitamins into it's can buy suppliments for reptiles that you simply put in the water and let them ingest as they unsuspectantly drink. Also,there could be a possibility of a protien, calcium,or nutrtion deficiency.protien is a general weight gaining nutrient and calcium is for bone growth and muscular i think u shuld try to get the appetite stimulant at pet smart(where they always have it by the retile medicine and suppliment section).it shouldn't cost more than $8 and i will be more than enough especially if you have any future problem feeders.if you don't believe that the appetite situation is a problem area, then i might suggest the vitamin supplimentation and if all else fails then i think the vet should have the last word.but this whole process shouldn't take more than 3-4 weeks.if your corn is a year old i don't see it dying or getting worse by some small low-cost home remedies.if he was gonna make a turn for the worst he would have by now.also, what do you or him have to loose by adding some extra vitamin and minerals to his diet and boosting his ammunities for the time being.hope he does better. Please,repost if any progress is apparent.