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How long can a shed take?


I got my young corn early September, and she shed within the first week. It seemed like a typical shed, she was catatonic and sat in the corner for 3 days. I sprayed the inside of the cage a couple times daily. Came home from work one day and there it was all in one piece.

Well here's the problem: she has obviously started her second shed because she hasn't been moving much at all, and her colors are very light. You can see the white edging around her scales that's not normally there. The weird thing is that she went blue...about nine days ago. I check on her daily expecting to see that shed any time now, but it just won't happen. What in the world is making this take so long compared to last time?
Try giving her a moist hide. the humidity might be too low for an easy shed. I hope Nanci will speak up, she is so knowledgable about all things corn and explains thing so well.
Usually a stuck shed will start to look wrinkly and a bit ragged. If she's still smooth but just pale, then she's probably taking her time this go-round.

Does she look at all different at all this time?
She seems more pale but that's probably just because I have had her for an actual amount of time and I am more used to how she looks regularly. There are no wrinkles that I can see. I handled her for a small amount of time to get a closer look and I can't see anything out of the ordinary other than that she obviously can't see too well and wasn't in too much of a mood to be held.

Is it regular for sheds to vary that greatly in how long it takes? Seems like something that would be more consistent, but I wouldn't know.
They can be pretty variable. It's usually quite fast when they're small but they don't know the rules!
My little corn has been in shed for about 9 days too. He likes taking his time, too. His first shed he was in hiding for 8 days, and his second shed he hid for 7 days. All sheds came out fine.
My 3 year old takes two weeks. Sometimes nearly 3 weeks! But she is perfectly healthy and always sheds fine (when she gets around to it).
I'm glad to see that it can take awhile. Wadjet's been in shed almost a week, and her eyes have changed back from blue-but other than that, shows no signs of getting on with it (but not the "gee, where's my mouse" behaviors I'd expect her to be showing after 12 days since her last feed, either). Humidity is over 50% in her viv as a whole, presumably higher in her hide, so she shouldn't have any trouble shedding. She just doesn't seem in any hurry to let it go.

I'm kind of glad she's not a little tiny hatchling. If she spent several weeks each month shedding, I'd be scared I'd starve her! As it is, with most of my prior pet experience being with mammals, there's something nervewracking about seeing your pet refuse food, curl into a ball, look pale and off color, and just generally not be themselves-it's hard to convince myself that for snakes, this is normal.

I'm so glad this question was posted, because my baby should be shedding any day now but hasnt. It took her 4 days before, but now its been about 5-6. She was due to be fed yesterday :/ I will try giving my girl a moist hide.