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how long can a snake be away from heat source?


New member
Tomorrow I am taking my snake into school. I was just wondering (since there's no way to set up a heat lamp) if it was safe to have him away from a heat source for almost 2 hours. He's almost 7 months old, if age matters. A quick reply would be appreciated greatly! Sorry to be rude....

I bring some of mine into work with me, if that helps. The ambient temperature at work is around 70-75*F, and they seem to deal with being there for 8 hours just fine. They do enjoy hanging out in my chest pocket of my shirt, I assume because of the combination of darkness and warmth, but overall...8 hours at work doesn't seem to negatively effect them.

With that being said, I only bring 1 of 2 that I know are not easily stressed, and obviously, I don't bring them if they have eaten within the past 3 days or so. I also make sure to bring along an enclosure with some of the substrate from their permanent enclosure(for familiarity) and a hide and fake foliage for security and comfort...
If the temps get really low it slows their metabolism down. They also can't digest food when it gets too low. Anything over 60 degrees shouldn't hurt them. Even 60 degrees for a few days won't really have a big effect on them. I once lost one of my rainbow boas for almost a week and found it under a laundry basket in a room that was only 50 degrees at most (basement in winter), who knows how long it had been there but BRBs need more heat than corn snakes do and after warming up she ate and happily went back to here viv.
I bring some of mine into work with me


Can I ask where you work???

The rubber Rock Python, Red Tail Boa and Rock Rattlesnake that I have on my desk have literally sent people running down the hallway screaming. I can't imagine actually bringing in a REAL snake. :eek1:

I bring snakes to work sometimes too. Joe/Joejr14 lives about five minutes from where I work, so I've handed off snakes to him there. On other occasions I've picked up snakes from the delivery hubs around the major airport near my workplace and brought them back to the office. There are five people in my closed office area, and they all like the snakes. But there are definitely people in the building who don't like them. They stopped coming around. And I'm not joking, I keep a snakeless 15qt Sterilite with aspen in it in my cubicle so they stay away (and in case I need it; you never know). :grin01:
I'm a front desk manager at a hotel. Boss doesn't care as long as my work gets done, and I put the snake dwn befre dealing with customers.
Good for you guys :cheers:

I think that's really cool that you are afforded the opportunity to do so.

I moved my snakes across the entire country so they went nearly a week without any heat and did just fine. They ranged from adults to young hatchlings. A few hours will not be a problem at all.
Wow, tyflier. A front desk manager and they don't care about snakes? I'd assume they'd refuse to allow a pet there just because some of the costomers wouldn't like it.

It's cool you all bring your snakes to work.
Wish I could, but number one it's a hospital...number two, it's a hospital in the Bible belt!! Don't think it would go over real well!